I'm Here - 2

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Part two of I'm Here!

Nobodys POV

When Tommy awoke he felt fine. In fact he felt like he could run a marathon even though he knew he'd faint on the first mile.

He sat up and rubbed his eyes. He sighed in content as he pulled the blanket off stretching.

Ranboo wasn't anywhere in sight. Tommy heard coughing somewhere and frowned.

He stood up and followed the noise. Ranboo was sitting at the kitchen table shivering with a tissue in hand.

Tommy watched for a moment before sighing. He couldnt just leave considering he gave it to him.

He walked back to the couch and grabbed a blanket. He walked back to ranboo who had a cold water bottle pressed to his forehead.

Tommy wrapped the blanket around his shoulders.

"O-oh hey Tommy." Ranboo said voice hoarse

"Hi." Tommy said grabbing two ibs out of the cabinet

He set them down next to Ranboo and grabbed a mug to make some tea.

"What kind do you want?" Tommy asked

"Uh just some lavender is fine." Ranboo said

Tommy heated up water and pulled out two tea bags. Lavender tea was apparently good for sick people.

To say Ranboo was surprised by Tommy's kindness was an understatement. Before Tommy had woken up he was gonna call Tubbo but he had a new caretaker.

Ranboo watched as Tommy dunked the bags into the mug and bobbed them. He then let them steep and brought the mug to Ranboo.

"Here." He said handing the ibs and the mug to Ranboo

Ranboo reached his hands out but they were shaking to much. Tommy gave him a slight sympathetic look but he also had a slight annoyed look.

"Open your mouth then." He asked looking unamused

Ranboo parted his mouth and Tommy dropped the pills in trying to not get them to go directly down his throat. He then tipped the mug up to his mouth and poured in the tea.

(I am not trying to ship them here this is what my brother did when I was sick and my mom wasn't home. I quite literally gave us a shower while trying to drink from a glass)

Ranboo swallowed and groaned setting his head down on the table. Tommy wrapped the blanket tighter around Ranboo.

"Cmon boo boy you gotta sit on the couch where its more comfy. Your ass is gonna get sore from sitting on a wooden chair." Tommy snorted

Ranboo slowly pushed away from the table and unsteadily stood up. Tommy helped balance him even though he was inches taller.

Ranboo collapsed on a different couch because he didn't want anymore of Tommy's germs. Tommy sighed and sat next to him.

"Fuck you Tommy..." Ranboo mumbled

Tommy burst out laughing from the sudden swearing of the enderman.

"Its not funnnny." Ranboo whined

"Oh but it is...really though sorry for getting you sick." Tommy said

"Hey at least you stayed." Ranboo said

"Well it would be incredibly rude to leave someone who's took care of me while there sick." Tommy deadpanned

"True true..." Ranboo trailed off

"Go to sleep you dumb enderman." Tommy said throwing a pillow lightly on Ranboo

Ranboo chuckled and then coughed.

"Yeah yeah yeah I know..." Ranboo said

Tommy stood up and helped him lay down.

"You want some soup?" He asked

"Sure...just don't burn the house down..." Ranboo joked

Tommy scoffed and pushed a pillow onto his face.

"Hey! I'm sick that's not fair!" Ranboo complained

"Mhm." Tommy said trying not to laugh

He walked off to the kitchen while ignoring Ranboos groans of protest.

He searched around and eventually found enough ingredients to make a rabbit stew. He chopped the veggies and tossed them into a pot of water.

He cut up some already cooked rabbit and heated it in the pot as well. Then he added some beef bullion.

He stirred it and set a lid over the top to let it cook. Phil used to make this for them when they were sick.

He smiled at the memory and wet a rag to wash the counter. While he was waiting he also washed the dishes.

Once the soup was done he spooned out some of it into two bowls and made two more mugs of tea. This time eucalyptus ginger.

He brought then over to the living room and tried to wake Ranboo. He jolted and sat up right.

"Jeez boo boy calm down." Tommy said stepping back in surprise

"Sorry just scared me a bit." Ranboo mumbled

"Anyways heres your soup and tea." Tommy said handing them to Ranboo

Ranboo stared at the food before shrugging and taking a bite. Tommy was a little offended that Ranboo questioned his cooking.

Although who wouldn't. He never cooked anything.

Tommy sat down with his own bowl as the two started to eat.

Ranboo hummed in content as the soup was really good. Tommy enjoyed his even though it didn't taste exactly right.

They both finished there bowls and Tommy washed them before heading back to the couch.

He sat down as Ranboo grumbled. He watched TV until a heavy weight was added to his shoulder. Tommy tensed up and flinched slightly.

He looked down and Ranboos head was on his shoulder. Tommy attempted to move him but gave up as the enderman was taller.

He sighed as he felt himself get tired. He laid his head on Ranboos head and fell asleep.

When Tubbo joined the server he was surprised to find the two asleep together. Especially since Tommy always preached about how bad Ranboo was.

He smiled non the less and took a few photos to tease them about later.

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