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OK so I read another book with a AU of Tommy being a runaway so yeah.

Tommy's POV

They didnt want me.

I snatched my sweaters off of my bed and stuffed them into my bag.

They didn't need me.

I stuffed a water bottle into the side pocket and stood back. I grabbed my communicator and read over the weather.


Yeah no shit the rain was pouring outside. I sighed before putting the communicator back.

It was around 3:25 in the afternoon and Phil was with Techno and Wilbur. I only left Wilbur a note.

Techno and Phil could care less

I slung the bag over my shoulder and signed the note. I picked it up and skimmed over it before leaving my room.

I taped the paper to Wilbur's door and went down through the hallway. I stepped down the stairs

I walked into the kitchen and out the front door. I instantly got soaked.

The others would be back in a few hours. I sighed as tears started to fill my eyes.

Nobody was around and the rain would hide them.

My favourite weather is the rain. I tell people its calming when in reality its because I can go in the rain and cry without anybody knowing.

I sobbed as my shoes hit the grass. I slipped and landed on my hip. I wasn't hurt but I was wet and muddy.

I made it back onto my feet and started walking into the forest still sobbing. I had laughed at myself for being an idiot but I was still regretting leaving.

I planned on meeting my best friend Tubbo. He knew all about my home life and how it sucked.

I walked through the woods until I found the clearing. Me and Tubbo would sit and talk sometimes fall asleep here.

I sat down and the lighting crackled above me. Loud thunder rolled through the lands.

I smiled as rain fell onto my face. It rolled down into my hair. I heard rustling behind me so I turned.

There was my best friend just as soaked. Tubbo walked up to me and sat down hugging my side to get warmth.

I swear to god if I see any nasty ass comments I will terminate this book.

I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and pulled him closer.

"What now?" Tubbo asked

He had run away as well considering his dad was a drunk and brought home women every night.

"We stick to the plan and find our hometown. They should remember us if we tell them our names." I said

Tubbo nodded before staring at nothing. I smiled before standing up.

I stretched my hand out to Tubbo.

"Shall we go off on our adventure Sir Tubbo?" I joked

"Yes we shall Sir Tommy." Tubbo responded

He took my hand and I lifted him up. He seemed tense and uneasy.

I wrapped and arm around Tubbo and fakly loved up on him.

"Come 'ere Tubbo let me give you hugs and kisses!" I said chasing him

"Ewww no!! Stooopp!" He said giggling while running

I stopped chasing him and we were still giggling when we came upon the village.

We stopped looked at each other and took each others hand. Normally I would have swatted him away but knowing somebody was there for me was comforting.

We had no idea how they would treat us condisering we left and we are outsiders.

We walked into the village that was vacant considering it was storming. We saw some light and went towards it.

We were walking towards the light when a villager saw us.

"Hey kiddos!" She yelled

She had a apron that said Niki's Bakery.

She pulled us inside and a younger man was cleaning inside.

I read his name tag as Jack.

The girl must be Niki then. She smiled kindly

"I haven't seen you guys around here before?....are you outsiders?" She questioned clearly concered

"We are ou-." Tubbo started

"We used to be outsiders. I mean we used to live here before my father um and his father took us elsewhere." I said

"Names?" She asked

"Tommy ---------- and Tubbo ---------- ma'am." I said

"Holy crap! Tommy and Tubbo! I knew your dads, in fact your dad - Phil - used to buy bread from here all the time. Occasionally a birthday cake for Wilbur and Techno." She rambled

"Although he never came to get one for you...then he stopped getting them for Wil. He only got some for Techno and then he vanished in the middle of the night with his kids never to be found again." She said darkly

"Its nice to see you alive! The last time I saw you two was when you snuck out and ended up here. I gave you two hot cocoa and some toast. That was a week before you left. Tubbo your dad left for weeks until someone found him and he wanted you back..." She said

"Oh I'm rambling again come in and dry off I'll get you guys some herbal tea and lemon pound cake." She said

She pushed us towards a table and we sat down. I took off my sweater and threw it aside. Tubbo did the same.

A minute down Niki came out with two plates. She set them both down.

A big slice of cake and a big glass of steaming tea sat in front of us. I nibbled the cake and sipped the tea.

I didn't want to give off the wrong vibe and be impolite.

After we finished Niki started the twenty questions.

Where did you go?

What do you now?

Will the others be back?

Do you remember anything?

And of course the big question.

"Why are you here?" She asked

Me and Tubbo glanced at each other before looking back to Niki.
She seemed trustworthy.

"We ran away from home." I said

She stared at us for a moment before sighing.

"I knew those two wouldn't last long. They are horrible fathers, they were then and are now." She said

"Its probably a good thing you ran from home well ran from your house not home." She said smiling

"Everybody here is garenteed to remember you. I think only the two newer ones wouldn't. Ranboo might not remember you he's got memory problems so don't get mad if you have to tell him your name many times. Hannah is really nice she's also very pretty. She works here sometimes. Her cakes really are the best." Niki said

I smiled memory's coming back to me. Running around town with Tubbo not far behind. Playing in the rain and splashing in puddles. We may not have had much but it was enough.

"Well do you two want to stay with us in the meantime?" She asked

I smiled and nodded.


OK abrupt ending but if y'all want me to continue this I can

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