The Execution - 2

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So since some of yalls wanted a part two here you are!

When Techno found out he didn't think it was true. He thought Ranboo was joking.

When he finally accepted it he disappeared off into the night and around six a.m. he came back with something that looked suspiciously like blood.

He also was carrying a bloody Tommy who was bandaged.

Phil ran out of the house along with Ranboo. The two instantly started to work on Tommy's wounds while Techno cleaned himself.

He started to explain the story.

"So after Ranboo teleported here and told me I stormed off the the mainlands. When I got there Quackity and Fundy were both tending to a body on the floor. Tubbo was sat down with a crazy smile in his face. I walked up to them and saw Tommy's mangled body. I gave them the bag of medicines and bandages to help which they great fully accepted. Then I walked over to Tubbo and grabbed his wrist dragging him to somewhere...private. I may have...traumatized a minor again with a few dagger cuts and death threats, no big deal. Then I brought Tommy back here." Techno explained

"No big deal?! Tommys gonna kill you mate!" Phil yelled mouth wide open

"He's a child and I'm pretty sure he hates Tubbo more now. They weren't on good terms before." Techno said washing the last bit of blood off his hand

Tommy lay on the couch and stirred before wincing in pain.

He opened his eyes and starred at them.

"Oh fucken hell...can't you just let me die instead of having me go through this much pain?" Tommy asked slightly joking sightly not

"How much does it hurt?" Ranboo asked

"Feels like a bus parked on top of me and a million 600 pound bears got on." Tommy said

"And honestly? I can't feel my back, neck, or legs so that's great." Tommy said annoyed

"So your probably paralysed for now until we can get the potion ready." Techno said

"Fucken hell...what even happened I don't fact I don't remember being friends with you. Wait who are you? Oh wait no your Techno, Why are you here?" Tommy started to slur

"No I'm Phil and that's Ranboo." Phil said

"Oh...I think I remember you now...your my..." Tommy mumbled

He seemed...drunk. No he was drunk. Well on potions not achohol.

"Oooook so your gonna go to bed now and when you wake up you shouldn't be drunk anymore." Phil said throwing a blanket over Tommy

"I'm not...heyyyy...daddd...?" Tommy slurred eyes half lidded

"Yeah mate?" Phil asked bewildered that Tommy called him dad

"I never really...I love you...where's Wilbur...and I can see a bright light...pretty..." Tommy said reaching his hand up before promptly falling asleep

Phil stared in shock as his son lay unconscious. He...he had called him dad and said he loved him. Either Tommy changed or he was high off his ass.

Maybe a bit of both.

"Dang Phil your really getting the affection." Techno said smirking

It looked as though he was slightly...jealous. The glint in his eyes suggested that he cared enough to be jealous.

Phil chuckled "Jealous are ya mate?"

Techno's eyes widened as in sudden realisation. "Uh n-no."

Phil chuckled again before tucking Tommy in. They both left the room to make something for breakfast.

Phil started to make waffles and a homemade syrup. He set three on a plate and drizzled the bubbling sauce on them.

He topped it with a homemade whipped cream and sliced strawberries. He set the plates out on the table.

As they were about to sit down rapid knocking was heard at the door. Techno stood up axe in hand.

He cautiously opened the door and as soon as it cracked open someone burst inside.

"Where is he?" Wilbur practically yelled

"He's upstairs Wil." Techno said ignoring the fact that it wasn't ghostbur anymore

Wilbur bolted up the stairs and ran into Tommy's room. Techno and Phil followed.

Wilbur was kneeled over beside Tommy brushing the hair from his face.

"What the hell happened?" Wilbur mumbled anger prominent in his voice

His hands were shaking but his eyes were feirce.

"Its already taken care of." Techno eased

He didn't want his twin freaking out. Phil being an old man had just gotten up the steps.

"Hey dad." Wilbur greeted

"Hey Wil." Phil said

All the commotion stirred Tommy out of his slumber.

"Wilby?" Tommy mumbled

"Hey Toms. How are you feeling?" Wilbur asked concern flooding his face

"I a balloon..." Tommy said sitting up

"Oh whoa hold on there Toms, you shouldn't move it could hurt you more." Phil said pushing past Techno

"I I could run a marathon though...?" Tommy said confusion etched on his face

"We didn't even give you the potion though." Techno said

Tommy turned back to Wilbur looking drunk as can be. He started to lean forward and set his head on Wilbur's shoulder.

He wrapped his arms around him and clung to Wilburs body like a life line.

"Mmm...comfy...soft...Wilby...?" Tommy slurred

"Yeah Toms?" Wilbur said already having his arms around Tommy holding him in place

"I'm sorry I hated you...I don't...I love you...Wilby..." Tommy said

Techno once again felt jealous.

"Aw I love you too Toms." Wilbur said

Phil smiled as he watched his sons.

Techno walked ahead wanting a hug too.

When Tommy saw him his eyes lit up. He let go of Wilbur and leaned forward his arms our for a hug.

"Technooooo...hug please..." Tommy said

Techno wrapped his arms around Tommy and picked him up off the couch. Tommy wrapped his legs around his waist and cheered like a six year old.

(Not shipping)

"Yeaaaah!" He yelled arm in the air

"Careful Theseus I don't want to drop you." Techno said chuckling

"Yeah yeah...whatever." Tommy said

He seemed to be coming back to his senses. Although he still was high off his ass.

Techno brought him downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Cmon Wil lets eat." Techno said

OK so this ones done if your wondering Tommy said he never said any of that and still hated them although he was more soft to them after that incident. Tubbo is still...missing. No Techno didn't kill him.

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