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A/N: Clip from "Do you love me?" is shown

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A/N: Clip from "Do you love me?" is shown.


"Aleksandr, eat something." 

I shake my head. 

"Please, Angel wouldn't want you to be like this." Mom begs me. I pay her no attention. 

I look at the bed in front of me. My doll had cords and bandages all over her. After the accident, my mom set for us to come back to the states. Anyone with a right mind would probably disagree with her decision, but it was the best way for her to get private care. 

I cursed myself. I was so happy with my confession that I did not pay full attention. If I was paying attention, I would've seen the drunk driver. 

Because of me, two lives are taken. While I'm perfectly fine. 


I shake my head, mentally cursing myself. No, not three. Two. 

"I'll take care of it mom, go get yourself something to eat," Mia tells my mom. She came to the states last month after hearing about my accident. She takes my hand and squeezes it. 

"Aleks, the doctor says she is going to be fine, she's just recovering," She says warmly."Please stop blaming yourself." 

"It pains me to see her like this Mia," My voice cracks, my right hand not letting go of Angel's. "I promised to protect her." 

"Contrary to what you believe Aleksandr she's not an actual doll," My best friend lectures. "Her body went through a lot, with the accident and miscarriage, the coma is just her way of recovering. Many would've died."

I flinch at Mia's words. The miscarriage. Angel was only two weeks pregnant, none of us knew. My whole world came crashing down when the doctor told me about our baby. I cried, not knowing how I would break the news to Angel. Now knowing how I would face her. 

Now I would give anything to see her sparkling eyes. Even if they will be coated with tears. 

"She passed the test," I said changing the subject. "A part of me knew she would, but for it to actually happen was surprising." 

I give Mia a faint smile. The stupid test that only one person besides me knew about it, Mia. The test came to be because of one person. I think about my senior year of high school, something that is now irrelevant to me. 

"I could never fall for someone that could never see me... You don't deserve me. This beauty will never go to waste..."

I can't believe I ever fell for someone so cruel. I truly did become the poster child for blind love. I remember when I got back my vision, she was quick to come back to my life and I accepted her. We dated for two years, she fell in love. Or so she said. 

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