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"Who were you talking to?"Roxanne asks, stepping out of her room as I walk in

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"Who were you talking to?"Roxanne asks, stepping out of her room as I walk in. I shake my head, telling her it was no one important. I want to think over the job proposition before telling her about it. 

Before she could say anything else, my phone buzzed in my hand. I looked at it and saw it was another company email. I make my way to my room to pick up my computer, only for my phone to buzz again. I look at it, a message from an unknown number. 

My favorite colors are nude tones. Your first meeting is tomorrow evening, wear a casual dress.

I smiled at the message and went to my room, picking up my laptop and making my way to Roxanne's room for our weekly movie night. I jump on her bed and wait for her to come back with the snacks. Putting on Ponyo, I focus back on the email sent to me.  

According to the contract, I'm not allowed to disclose the totality of my job because I will be knowledgeable of some of the company's secrets. I can say that I'm working for him, but I cannot tell them what I truly do. 

There's no work schedule, Aleksandr will just message me whenever he needs me. A day or two in advance so I can get ready. The only thing that I have to memorize are the contacts important to the Sokolov family, faces, and a short bio included. 

Not that hard. 

I read over the list of people until Roxanne comes. We cuddle and focus our attention on the movie, I know she wanted to ask me about who dropped m off today but she didn't. She knew that if I didn't want to share I won't open my mouth and say anything.


I look inside my closet, debating what to wear for today. Aleksandr says to wear a dress, but a part of me is too stubborn to listen to every word he says. Since he didn't tell me to dress professionally, I know we aren't going to an important meeting so wearing something else should not be a big deal. 

I decided to wear my favorite nude outfit, leather pants, and a beautiful sweater top. Some gold jewelry and rings. I look at the sew-in I have this week, I was tired of the braids and decided to get it three days ago. 

"You look hot," Roxanne comments when I walk out of my room, she still has her work clothes on. "Is that why you rushed out of work today? Do you have a date?"

"Not a date, just an important meeting," I said before getting my keys and leaving. "My ride is outside, don't wait up." 

She gives me a questioning look before nodding. I see Aleksandr making his way to the building and call his name before he even sees me, knowing that he has no difficulty identifying voices.

He looks at me, his brow furrowed in confusion. I give him a smile and his face remains blank as he led me to his car. After entering the car before he drives off, he takes multiple breaths, as if he is recollecting his thoughts. 

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