This Is My Real Family

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Chapter 11: This is my real family
Warnings: Beating, tying, arguing, crying, fluff, medical stuff, weirdness, terrible writing

Race was full on sobbing now, his father suddenly stopped beating Ace and Hotshot but quickly went over to Race. He untied Race from the pole, tied him and took him over to Ace and Hotshot who were both on the floor, bruised, burnt and just slightly conscious. "You know, those boys are not your real family, they're just some boys you met on the street and suddenly adopted you because you left me"

"They're more like a family than you are, you hit me, you burned me, you cut me, you almost shot me, how are you even family to me?!" Race screamed at the man and was about to scream even more but was cut off by pain, His father had punched him in the face.

"You're gonna regret even being born" Mark said with a laugh that just sounded pure evil.

Race was about to laugh. "You do realise that you literally made me, you were the one that literally made me exist and yet, you want me gone, that's just sad" he started "And now, you'll be hurt" Race said and punched his dad right in the gut.

"How did you get out of the rope?" Mark grunted out and Race laughed.

"It's called teeth, I bit my way through it" he said as he shrugged. He quickly tied Mark up and texted Blase that he needed help.

Ten minutes later
"You know, I don't like that you tied him up but good job Racer" Blase said and patted Race on the shoulder. Race smiled.

Jack and Davey came running in the door, Davey was panicked and Jack quickly hugged Race who melted into it. "I missed you guys, even the panicked Davey who's acting like a mom most of the time"

"Hey, I actually woke up two minutes too late today" Davey exclaimed proudly and looked blankly on the ceiling.

Spot and Albert came rushing in, Jack jumped off Race and the two boys quickly embraced their boyfriend in a hug. "Don't ever do that-" Spot started as he broke the hug but got cut off by the sight of Ace and Hotshot.

He ran over to them but before he could touch them Race gave him a warning "Spot, Hotshot have a possibly broken arm and both of them, probably some ribs. My dad beat them real good"

Spot looked at the boys and then over to Race. Albert was standing behind Race and held him around his waist with his head on top of Race's. "You aren't a lot less hurt you either, by the way, your left side of your face is swollen and you have a black eye"

Race scoffed. Just then, Romeo, Buttons and Specs came running through the door with bandages and first aid things. "Okay, how many of us are coming?" Race asked, shocked and a little annoyed.

"Oh, trust me, all the Manhattan Newsies are coming and some of the Brookies, it's gonna be packed" Romeo answered and the room broke out in laughter, except for Race, he just scoffed and laid down in Albert's lap while Buttons was treating some injuries.

"Oof, when your dad hit you with whatever he hit you with, it hurt your head all the way from your forehead to your eye" Race's eyes widened.

Buttons touched Race's bruise and Race screamed.

"Oh my god, you scream just like a girl" Smokes said as he, Snaps and some other Brookies came through the door.

"Hey, in my defense..." Race thought for a moment. "Yeah, I don't have any defense" Every one either chuckled or laughed with Race.

It was quiet for a second before they heard running footsteps coming to the door, in came every Manhattan Newsie and Medda

"Medda!" Race exclaimed happily as he saw her. She walked over to where he was laying and embraced him in a hug. It hurt but he ignored it, this was his real family.

"We should get you all home" Medda said when she broke the hug with Race.

"Yeah" All the Newsies said started walking out side, Albert carrying Race, Spot carrying Hotshot and Smokes carrying Ace.

714 words

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