Star Facts, Music Facts And A Lot Of Floof

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Chapter 18: Star Facts, Music Facts And A  Lot Of Floof
Warnings: Floof

"So, how does it feel to be a Newsie?" Spot asked Flips as they were sitting in the grass with their soulmates. It was 11:30 pm so it was getting dark and stars were starting to show.

Flips laid down and looked up at the stars. "Actually really good. I didn't have a lot of friends before. Mostly because I'm a huge nerd and I don't like the same music as everyone else that went in my class. But I didn't think too much of it either because I had my music, gymnastics, performing arts and family. I was a loner but when I came here to Manhattan and you guys found me, it was like I was included and safe. You made me a home"

All of the Newsies were outside. It was a regular thing they did when they got the chance and every Sunday night before a day of school. Today was Sunday so that's why they were there tonight. "Do you know how many stars there are out in the universe?" Race asked everyone and everyone either answered no, shook their heads or didn't do anything. "One billion trillion. It's so many that they don't even have a complete name for the number"

A number of 'whoa's and "that's crazy"s came from the Newsies.

"You just go around knowing all of this stuff about stars all the time?" Flips asked Race.

"Yeah, he does. It's like you and music" Ace answered for Race. Flips smiled slightly.

"Flips?" Mush said and Flips hummed in response. "Can you tell us some facts about music?"

"Do you really wanna hear it? I don't wanna bore the crap out of you" he answered.

"Wow, I haven't heard you curse before now" Spot said and Flips slightly chuckled along with some other Newsies.

"I'm really curious about your music facts" Race said and others agreed.

"Sure. Good Charlotte made their breakthrough in 2002 and was one of the most popular bands with their songs 'The Anthem' and 'Lifestyles of the rich and famous' . They were formed in the late 90's and is still pretty popular in the punk rock community" Flips explained.

"You're forgetting one thing tho" Ace said. "They took a break from 2010 to 2016 and when they came back they didn't have so many fans but after some old fans found out they came back, they got more popular again"

"That's right. They actually have a pretty interesting story" Flips said and laid his head on Ace's chest. 

"But you know who else is cool and have good music?" Ace asked and Flips shook his head. "Mcr" he answered. 

"Don't remind of the pain" Flips said as he groaned. 

"What is mcr?" Finch asked. Flips quickly sat up and looked at him.

"Just one of the most emo bands ever. Mcr is just a shorter version for My Chemical Romance. They started in 2001, they parted in 2013 before they in 2017 got united again and did a small tour" Flips answered before he laid down again.

"Okay, I love this. Race with star facts and Flips and Ace with music facts. This is amazing" Blink and Mush said at the same time and people started laughing.

"Maybe we should go to bed, I mean, it's getting late and we have school tomorrow" Crutchie asked.

"Yeah, we should. Spot, you're in room with Albert and his roommates. Ace, you can choose, you wanna sleep in the Brookie room or with Flips?" Jack asked.

"I'll take the Brookie room for tonight" Ace answered. Flips was a little disappointed but it was fine. He wished that Ace would be with him.

"Okay, Hotshot, you're in the Brookie room and so is Smokes. Skittery and Tumbler, you are in the same room as Lucky and Les" Jack said and everybody nodded before they walked inside.

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