Just So We're Clear, I Did Not Sign Up To Sit Between You Two

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Chapter 7: Just so we're clear, I did not sign up to sit between you two
Warnings: fluff, flirting, sucky writing

"Spot, Albert, I learned a new trick!" Race exclaimed to his boyfriends. They were outside, Race, Romeo, Blink and Tommy Boy were doing gymnastics while their boyfriends was watching.

"Ooh, let's see!" Spot said. Race nodded and did his trick, one cartwheel, three back handsprings and ended with a back flip. "Amazing!"

"I'm thirsty can we go inside?" Race asked his boyfriends as he walked towards them.

"Sure" Albert said and they walked inside.

They reached the kitchen and saw Medda sitting there, reading a book.

She looked up from her book and to the boys. "Hey boys, how are you today?" she asked and smiled warmly.

"Thirsty and a little exhausted" Race answered and Medda chuckled. "I just learned a new trick while I was outside with Romeo, Blink and Tommy Boy" he exclaimed happily.

"That's great!" Medda responded and hugged her boy.

Race hummed happily. "Anthony?"

Race hummed again, too happy to talk. "What do you say, you make dinner for all of your siblings and friends today? You can make whatever you want" Medda asked him. He broke the hug and his eyes lit up.

"Can I?" he asked happily, Medda nodded. "So like, whatever I want to make?"

"Yes and you can make dessert" she answered. Race smiled so bright and almost jumped on Medda to hug her.

"Thank you!" Spot and Albert smiled of seeing their soulmate this happy. "Boyfriends, let's take on the store with our craziness" Race said and his arms with both his boyfriends before marching towards the door.

"Okay" they said and laughed as Race dragged them to the store.

After they come home from the store
The Boys stepped into the relatively big kitchen and saw their siblings and friends all around. "Hey guys" Jojo said and smiled. All the other Newsies either waved or smiled at the soulmates.

"What's for dinner?" Smalls asked. Race thought for a bit if he should tell them.

"Lasagna and Foccacia bread" Race answered, some people looked confused while others looked really happy.

"What's foccacia bread?" Sniper asked and looked at Race confused.

"You'll see" Race said and smirked.

After dinner
"That was delicious Anthony" Miss Medda said with a smile as she looked at Race.

"Thanks mom" Race said but quickly put his hands over his mouth as he realised what he had called her.

Medda chuckled as she saw Anthony's reaction to what he said. "It's okay Racetrack, I appreciate that you called me mom and I would be happy if you called me that" Race took his hands away from his mouth.

"You-you called me R-Racetrack" he stuttered and a tear rolled down his cheek. Medda got up from her chair and walked over to where Race was sitting, she turned his chair so it was facing her and sat down in front of it.

"Yes I did, I love you like you were my biological son and since you want Racetrack to be your name then I am happy to announce that your name is officially changed, it is signed by me on paper. Racetrack, you're my son and I couldn't be more happy to know that you are. I love you"

Race was full so happy and everyone hugged him, every one of the people in the room. "I love you too mom"

Three hours later
"Race?" Spot asked softly as he stood in the doorway to Race and Blink's room, Race took of his headphones and looked at him.

"Yeah, that's me" he answered. Spot looked at him.

"Yeah, I know that's you, uhm, I was just wondering if you wanted to join me and Albert on the rooftop, we're drawing and it wasn't the same without you" Race slightly chuckled. "You can take your phone with you so we can all listen to music together while we draw" Spot said.

"Sure, let me just get my pencil case and sketchbook, you can go up there again, I'll be right up" Race said as he jumped down from his (top) bunk.

Spot went onto the roof to Albert and sat down beside him. "Is he coming?" Albert asked. Spot nodded. "Cool" Albert said and they sat in silence for a few minutes until Race came outside to them.

"Hey guys" he exclaimed and sat down beside Spot who was now between his soulmates.

"Just so we're clear, I did not sign up to sit between you two" Spot exclaimed, clearly annoyed. Albert and Race chuckled. Spot got up and sat on the other side of Race, Albert scooted over so Race was almost squished between the two boys. Race rolled his eyes but opened his sketchbook on an empty page. He pulled out a mechanical pencil from his pencil case and started drawing.

He didn't realise that his boyfriends were watching him draw before he was halfway through the drawing.

"Nice drawing" Albert said and smirked at Race who hadn't realised what he was drawing.

Race's eyes widened as he realised. "Oh my god, this is the best thing I've ever drawn" He said, surprised.

"Because of the quality or the fact that it's of us three?" Spot asked him and smirked too.

Race closed his sketchbook and started walking towards the door to the staircase inside but Spot stopped him. Spot took Race by the collar and leaned his back against the door. "You know, to be as pretty as you, I'm surprised that you haven't kissed anyone yet"

Race was taken back by this and his eyes were wide. "Albert" was all that Race could say, Albert looked at the boys and smiled.

"Just wait, you're gonna like this" Albert said to Race and smiled. Race was in all honesty scared.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you, would you mind a kiss?" Spot asked, flirtingly. Race was too taken back to say anything, he nodded. There he saw Spot, leaning against him, closing the gap between them. Race felt their lips connect, he kissed back and there they were, on the rooftop, under the sunset, kissing. Race couldn't have been more happy than this. Or at least he thought.

That was until Spot let go and Albert came over, Albert then looked Race in the eye to make sure what he was gonna do was okay, he got the sign he wanted so he leaned in and kissed Race, Race kisses back and was once again, as happy as could be.

Albert let go of Race and looked at him, he was as red as Albert's hair. "How do you feel?" Spot asked softly and smiled at Race.

"In all honesty, when you suddenly took me like that by the collar, it scared me but when you kissed me, I was as happy as a kid on Christmas. When you let go and I saw Albert come towards me, I felt like I was drowning in love and the best part is that I got my first kisses with my soulmates" Race responded and smiled at the boys. "I love you"

"We love you too" Spot and Albert said in unison as the three of them walked inside.

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