The Beating

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Chapter one: the beating
Warning: blood, abuse, cuts, bruises, homophobia

Racetrack Higgins, the half Brooklyn Half 'hattan Newsie with a cigar in his mouth. He had a great life and the best family at Medda Larkins house. It was all he could ever ask for, but little did he know that something else great would happen too.

"Hey, Race!" Race's crush, Albert, said to him as they walked through the school at the end of the day.

"Hey, Al!" he said back to him as he appeared beside Race. "How's your day been?"

"Ya know, da same old borin' classes with da same old borin' teachers"

"I feel ya dude" Race was tired of this school but he still had to be there every day. He wasn't as lucky as Albert that had found his soulmate already, Race was single and was gonna be for the rest of his life.

"Hey, do ya wanna join me and Spot on a walk today? We're going to da park" Albert offered him.

"Sorry dude, I have plans" Race said. This was kind of both a lie and truth, he had plans to stay away from Spot and Albert as he thought he would be a bother, but at the same time, he wasn't doing anything special.

"Ooh, a pretty boy?" yes, Albert knew about Race's gayness and he never seemed to care about it either.

"Nah, I'm meetin' up with Jack at the track" Race lied. He was going to the track but not with Jack, he was going there by himself, he was a bit scared because of the fact that it was close his biological father's house and who knows what his father would do to him if he found Race.

"Okay, too bad, well see ya later Racer" Albert said as he walked away from Race when they were out of the school building.

Okay, well it's time to go to the track.

Race, finally reached the track and so he started running around it. It eventually became too hot to run in all of his clothes so he took off his two shirts and suspenders so he didn't have anything over his chest or stomach.

I really hope no one sees me now because of my scars.

He started running again.

Five minutes later
He was finally done with two rounds so he went to take some water but before he reached the fountain, he met an old buddy. His father.

"Hey Anthony, how is your life going?" his father asked as he came closer to Race with threatening steps.

"Well, y-you know, I think I-I bet-better head h-home" Race stutters out. His father laughs at him before going right into his face.

"Oh, you think so? Well, not before I've taken care of you, you gay little disappointment"

With Albert and Spot
"Race was going to the track today" Albert told Spot.

"Cool, was he meeting up with someone?" Spot asked back.

Albert nodded "Yeah, he's meeting up with Jack"

Help me! I'm at the track closest to 'The World High School', Help me, please!

They both look at each other "Did you just hear that too?" Spot asked the redhead.

"Yeah, and I recognise that voice anywhere"

"We need to help him, now!" Spot said as they took of and ran towards the track.

Back with Race
"You don't deserve to live, you are a disappointment and you will never be loved!" Race's father screamed at him as he was punching him. He threw Race on the ground and started kicking him. Race felt blood coming out of his nose and mouth as of his father's beating. He felt another kick in the jaw and suddenly everything got blurry, he could hear his father's voice in the distance "You'll never be anything more than a disappointment and you'll remember this every time anyone tells you that they love you" that was the last he heard from his father, he heard two familiar voices but not what they were saying or who they were. Everything was in the distance now, his vision was filled with black dots as he faded away into unconsciousness.

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