Francis Sullivan

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Chapter 8: Francis Sullivan
Warnings: kidnapping, threatening, mention of killing, tied up

"Morning Miss Medda" Jack said as he walked down the stairs to the kitchen.

"Good morning Jack, do you have any plans for today?" Medda asked as she looked up from the book she was reading.

"I was thinking about going to the track to draw it but I don't know if it is the best thing after what happened with Race and his dad" Jack answered as he took a cup of coffee that Medda had made for him. She always made coffee for Jack in the mornings.

"I don't know, maybe you could go to the abandoned one that is behind the school?" Medda suggested, Jack smiled and nodded.

"That's a good idea, I'll go there when I'm done with drinking my coffee" he exclaimed as he drank it.

Five minutes later
"Bye Medda" Jack said as he was walking out the door with his sketchbook and pencils.

He walked towards the abandoned track and sat down on the bleachers. He opened his sketchbook and started sketching the track. He heard something behind but didn't think anything of it until something was put over his eyes, he felt hands over his mouth and a sharp pain on his head until he blacked out.

Two hours later
Jack woke up in a dark room, tied up to a pole in the middle of it, he was sitting on his knees on the floor, his back, ankles and wrists were tied and he couldn't move much, his mouth was covered with duct tape so he couldn't say anything.

A shadow came into the room, Jack couldn't see who it was but it definitely a person. "You must be Jack Kelly, I'm honored to meet you, the leader of the Manhattan Newsies and a brother of my son, Anthony Higgins" the shadow said as he came closer to Jack and into the dimmed light that was shining on Jack.

Jack tried to say something but it was impossible. "Oh, how rude of me, I didn't even introduce myself, I'm Mark Higgins, you might know me as Anthony's father. And you're Francis Sullivan, the Cowboy, the leader" The use of Jack's real name made him furious, he just wanted to punch Mark in the gut and then run off to the safety of his brothers.

"I'm afraid you aren't going anywhere yet Francis, and there's no way I'm taking that tape of you so that you can talk, you'll probably just scream until someone comes or I kill you" Jack felt defeated as he couldn't say anything or even move.

"You know, it's kind of funny how you thought you were the smartest and the strongest person around here until I came and suddenly you're here, tied to a pole with no way of doing anything, not even talking, well, I've heard that that isn't your strongest area as of the fact that your friend David is the one with the brain, isn't that true?" Jack didn't do anything, he didn't even want to try, there was no use.

"Answer me boy or I'll make you go through what Race went through when he was younger" Mark threatened. Jack couldn't move, he wanted to, but he couldn't. "Okay then, let me just do something quickly and I'll be right back" He said as he walked into the shadows and out of the room.

At Medda's house
"Racetrack?" Medda yelled from the kitchen. Race came downstairs from his room and in to Medda.

"Yes ma?" He asked as he sat down beside Medda. Medda smiled at the name.

"Have you seen Jack? He was supposed to go to the abandoned track behind the school to sketch but he would be back by now" She said, Race furrowed his brows.

"No, I haven't seen him yet today, Jojo and Albert woke me up today with a bucket of water, so, no" Race answered.

Medda nodded and Race went up to Crutchie's room that he shared with Jack and another Newsie. Davey was in there with Crutchie and they were talking. "Guys, have you seen Jack today?" Race asked. The guys looked at Race and shook their heads "Can you try to use telepathy to contact him?"

"I'll do it" Davey said and closed his eyes to consentrate.

Jack, where are you?

Help me

Davey only heard that before it all cut out, Crutchie heard it too and they both looked at Race "He's in trouble" They said in unison.

"Okay, let me get Spot and Albert first" Race said and ran out of the room.

After a while he came into the room with his boyfriends. "They're willing to help" he said and the two boys nodded. "Crutchie and Albert, you're staying here to be prepared for anything, Davey and Spot you guys are coming with me, I think I know who have him and if I'm right, we need backup" all the boys nodded.

Race, Spot and Davey went into Smalls and Snipers room. "Okay, we need your help, Jack needs help and it is our job to do it, you guys have to come with us, even you Skittery" Spot said and pointed at the three Newsies in the room, they nodded and followed them outside. "Now, what's the plan Race?" Spot asked as they were walking down the street.

"I am pretty sure that it's my dad that have Jack, and if I'm right, it's gonna be tough, and this may sound weird but I know a guy that is a cop, I'm gonna call him and get him and two colleagues to hide beside the house while Spot, Davey and Sniper will talk to my dad to distract him while me, Smalls and Skittery is gonna sneak behind the back and into the house" Race said and pulled out his phone, he called the guy and explained the situation.

He put his phone in his pocket and looked at his brothers, sisters and soulmate. "They're helping us, we have to get there and we'll meet them a couple of houses down the street from Mark, we're ris-" Race we're explaining but got cut of by Davey.

"Jack just said basement and Mark, he's in the basement of the house" Davey quickly said.

"Okay, thank you for telling us Davey. As I was saying, we're risking a lot by doing this and I can't lose any of you so be careful" Race finished.

The rest of the walk was quiet, they reached the place where they were gonna meet the cops. "Hey Racetrack, I heard we have a plan that isn't to just burst into the house" the cop said and chuckled.

Race just looked at him and answered. "Yeah, because a lot of the times you've done that the person that was kidnapped was either killed or almost killed, we're not risking Jack's life in that way, Blase" Race said.

"Okay, well, we'll hide in the bushes beside the house and if you need backup, shout hootie-hoo or text that to me" Blase said and the cops started walking towards the house carefully. The plan was now going into action.

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