What The Hell Did You Do With Race?

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Chapter 6: What the hell did you with Race?
Warning: punching, cursing, a lot of crying, sucky writing

Jack went out into the hallway to talk with Sniper, Smalls and Skittery. "Sniper and Smalls, you're going to get Albert, don't soak him too bad but if he resists really hard, do what you gotta do, oh and, when you get back to the house, go into Elmer's room. Skittery, you're coming with me to get Spot. All of you, meet me outside in two, I'm gonna talk a tiny bit with Elmer" Jack said, the three Newsies walked downstairs. Jack went into Race's room and saw Elmer. "El, can i talk to you for a sec?" he asked.

"Yeah, sure, one sec, I have to get the sleeping baby off of me" he said and chuckled before he slowly put Race on the bed beside him. He came out in the hallway to Jack and smiled. "What's up cowboy?"

"When Sniper and Smalls come back, they're gonna get Albert to stay in your room. When me and Skitts come back, we're going into Specs, Albert and Jojo's room to get Spot to stay there. Just prepare, we're sending two of the most dangerous 'hattan Newsies against Albert, it will most likely not look pretty because those girls are animals if they just want to" Elmer nodded and walked to Race again while Jack walked outside to meet the others.

"Okay, Snipes and Smalls, Albert. Skittery and me, Spot" Jack said and pointed to his sisters and friend. They all nodded, Sniper and Smalls ran to get Albert. "Okay, Skitts, where would Spot go if he was mad?"

"Right now, he would be at the Sheepshead Races" Skittery answered and so they walked towards the Races.

An hour later
They arrived at the place and sure enough, Spot was there, in an alleyway, crying, with bruises all of him. "Spot?" Skittery exclaimed.

"Go away" He whispered under his breath. Skittery sat down beside Spot and laid his hand on his shoulder.

"Spot, can you tell me what happened?"

With Sniper and Smalls
Sniper and Smalls finally found Albert. "Albert!" Sniper yelled at him as she was moving closer to the boy. "What the hell did you do with Race?" She exclaimed, putting her finger to Albert's chest. He glared at her.

"I didn't do anything to Race" Albert said, mad to the girl.

"Race is at home, he ran into his room and locked the door-" Smalls started.

"That isn't bad, he probably just needed some alone time" Albert said and looked from Smalls to Sniper.

"He locked himself in his room and said that if we tried to come in, he'd kick our asses" Sniper said and held Albert by collar.

"Well, I don't care! I need time for myself!" Albert shouted at the two girls.

"Come home or we'll soak you" Sniper threatened.

"I'm not scared of you! You wouldn't soak your-" Albert started before he felt a fist hit his face.

"What were you saying?" Smalls asked sternly as she stared into Albert's soul, scaring the life out of him.

"Nothing" Albert said, closing his eyes shut, turning his face away. Sniper saw the mark on his face from Smalls punch.

"Ooh, that's gonna hurt" She commented. "Are you ready to come home now?"

"No, but I don't have a choice, do I?" he answered. Sniper shook her head and held one of his shoulders as Smalls took the other.

"Time to get back" Smalls said as she held a tight grip Albert.

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