Couple Time, Music And Fluff

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Chapter 15: Couple time, music and fluff
Warnings: Fluff, Fluff, fluff and more fluff

Spot ran so he was on one side of Race and Albert was on the other one. "Race, we're gonna have couple time now" Albert said. Race's eyes widened and he tried to run from Albert by going in the opposite direction but instead ran into Spot's arms.

"Got him" Spot exclaimed, he took one arm under Race's legs and one behind his back

"Romeo, they want to have couple time, we're being separated, this is terrible" Race said dramatically and Romeo just chuckled at Race.

They sat down where Spot and Albert had been sitting earlier with Race in Albert's lap. Albert started to play with Race's hair and Race melted into the feeling of it. "I love you, Racer. You're so beautiful, I'm so lucky to have you and Spot as my soulmates. I love you both"

"Now I want cuddles" Spot said and pouted. Albert and Race chuckled slightly. Race put both his arms out from where he was laying in Albert's lap and Spot chuckled before he laid down beside Race with Race's arms around him. Albert chuckled and started playing with Spot's hair too.

Jordan, Romeo, Blink,
"Are they always this cute?" Jordan asked Romeo.

"Not all the time, mostly because of Race's past but other times, yes" Romeo answered and Jordan nodded before he did a cartwheel into the splits

"I should probably get to know Miss Medda or Sniper and Smalls" Jordan said before he got up from the splits and cartwheeled his way into the house. He walked into the kitchen where the boys had told him that Miss Medda usually sat, and found Medda reading. "Hey Miss Medda, how are you today?" Jordan asked her and she looked up from her book.

She smiled warmly at him. "Hello Jordan, I'm doing good, how are you feeling?" she asked him.

"I'm actually doing pretty good despite what happened earlier today before I came here" Jordan answered.

"May I ask why you ran from home?" Medda asked and Jordan looked to the ground.

"I came home and when I walked through the door, I saw my parents on the floor, shot, my mom was dead and my dad was barely alive, he said his last words and I felt like I couldn't stay there so I packed some of the stuff I found most important and ran, I didn't know where I was going, just that I was going away from the place that used to be my home" Jordan said as a tear fell from his eyes. He suddenly felt a pair of arms around him, he went stiff but quickly melted into the touch as he heard a familiar voice.

"Hey, you know that we will take care of you, you're one of our brothers and sisters now" Ace said as he laid his head on Jordan's shoulder. Jordan nodded.

Medda smiled at the two boys. "Seems like you guys are getting along good" She said.

Jordan nodded. "Well, we are soulmates so how else would we be?" Ace said and the three of them chuckled.

"True, true" Medda said.

"And we even have the same favorite band" Jordan said and slightly chuckled.

"Yes we do" Ace said. "What do you say about us taking my speaker and putting on their music, then go out to the boys? They did say that they needed us to show them their songs" Jordan nodded virgiously and the boys walked upstairs hand in hand.

The boys heard low music from inside before the door opened, Ace and Jordan came outside with Ace's light blue speaker. "You said that you wanted to hear what songs we were listening to so here you go" Ace said as they were still hand in hand.

The others joined them outside while every couple sat together. They sat down in a circle with the speaker in the middle while they were listening.

Jordan and Ace had put together a playlist with their favorite songs that they were showing the Newsies.

The playlist came to an end and most of the Newsies were in shock for whatever reason. "That is amazing music" Red said and most people nodded.

"Congrats, you love rock music" Ace exclaimed and everyone chuckled. "You know, I've only been to Midtown when I ended up in a fight with their second, do you think we could go there together?" Ace asked Jordan.

"Sure, if  Miss Medda wouldn't mind. I would be happy to go there with you, maybe tomorrow? It's kind of getting late" Jordan answered.

"We can go and ask her now if you want" Ace said and Jordan nodded.

"Albert, they're leaving us" Race said and we're, once again, playing dramatic. Ace and Jordan chuckled, when they started walking to the door, because of Race.

They reached the kitchen and saw Medda there, reading her book as always. How can she focus on her book? She have thirty crazy children always around her making sounds and being... You know... Newsies     
Jordan thought to himself.

The lady is magic. Jordan heard inside his head and chuckled because he realised it was Ace.

"Hey boys, how is your day going?" Miss Medda greeted.

"We're doing really good. We were just wondering if we can go to Midtown tomorrow. I kind of want to see how Jordan had it where he lived. We can probably take Spot's car if that's okay with him" Ace said.

Miss Medda thought for a second before looking at the boys again. "Sure, but be careful. Even tho I would like you to have one person from, what Race calls, the medical team with you. Is that okay for you? You can choose whichever person you want" she answered. The boys nodded and walked outside again. Jordan didn't exactly walk but he did some cartwheels. Ace chuckled at Jordan.

They looked around at the boys (who were still laying in a circle and they had put on more of the songs from Good Charlotte) before one person caught their eyes. They looked at each other and nodded before they walked over to Specs. "Specs, do you want to join us to Midtown tomorrow? Medda wanted us to have a person from the  medical team with us" Ace asked Specs who nodded. He was too tired to answer since Henry was playing with his hair. Every other couple was doing the same. Crutchie was playing with Davey and Jack's hair, Finch on Tommy Boy, Spot on Race and Albert, Elmer on Jojo and Buttons, Blink on Mush, Sniper on Smalls, Ike on Hotshot, Red on Mike, Romeo on Skittery, Boots on Smokes and Lucky on Les and Tumbler.

"You guys are adorable, especially Race and Albert who have fallen asleep on Spot" Ace commented before he and Jordan sat down, Ace in Jordan's lap so Jordan could play with his hair.

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