Episode 28: School Plays, delirious days

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Luz sat as still as her small body possibly could, her eyes gazing up at the principle talking in the classroom. He spoke with dignity: grace and understanding. He held one finger pointed towards the sky. He subconsciously paced back and forth steadily, his other hand folded behind his back.

It was true, Luz was amazed by her principle. He was what she wished to be like. Strong and hardheaded, but also soft and forgiving. He was everything a strong business person should be.

Even if he was mean, sometimes.

Eda? She'd probably disagree.

...Eda would definitely disagree.

"-And that, kids, is what we're doing. Any questions?"

Luz's eyes widened, only a bit. Her hand shot into the air as she kept her gaze on Bump.

"Uh yes, Luz?"

"Could you... could you say that all again?"

Bump physically faced palmed at the child sitting before him on the rug. She had been staring intently, but hadn't heard a single word that left his mouth. Willow, the small girl beside her, giggled. Bump shot her a warning gaze. There will be no tomfoolery in his presence. Willow instantly covered her mouth, avoiding eye contact.

"We're doing a play, Luz," Bump explained again. "You're going to be given a part and are supposed to practice with your parents. Do you understand?"

Luz tilted her head a bit. "I don't have a parent."


"Eda. I only have a Eda. And a King. Oh! And a Hooty!"

Bump face palmed once more. "Okay, whatever. School dismissed."

The class got up and flooded out the classroom, taking their parts from their teacher as they left. Luz was the last the move from her spot on the ground. She brushed her hand repeatedly across the rug's odd texture. It was something she enjoyed doing for no particular reason.

It took a hard stare from Bump to make her stand up. She shyly reached for her part in the play - the last piece of paper there was - and stared at it. She squinted her eyes. She had been learning to read recently, but man! There were a lot of words on this sheet of paper.

Hope Eda knows how to read.


"Pfft – kid, we are not doing that."

Eda yelped as an elbow collided with her ribcage, before she turned and glared at her sister, Lilith.

"Hey! What was that for?!"

"We are so helping Luz practice. This is a big thing. Isn't that right, Luz?" Luz smiled at her aunt, handing the papers over. "Okay, says here that it's about two friends." Lilith continued, smiling from ear to ear. She may have been more excited than Luz was.

"Two friends? Really?" Eda stood idly beside Lily, her eyes unbelieving. Her arms were folded across her chest in defiance.

"Yeah, about a... god? and a Titan."

"Ugh, children and their stupid made up fairy tales."

"Tell me about it." Lily giggled.

"Must be something new they're doing, we didn't have any plays when we were in school."

Lily knelt down to Luz's height, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Let's do this, okay?"

Luz smiled at her aunt once again. "Yeah! Lets do this!"

School Plays, Delirious Days

"Please, take your seats! The show is about to start!" King hushed, making Lilith and Eda sit beside each other on the couch. In the span of an hour, him, Hooty, and Luz had managed to set up a wannabe stage to perform on.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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