Episode 20: Blissful Bickering

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Eda massaged her temples, groaning in annoyance at the toddler and young demon arguing on the floor.

"King, why do you have to argue with the 2 year old?"

"She started it!" King yelled accusingly, pointing his paw towards Luz. Luz whined and stuck her tongue out at him. "She took my toy! I had it first!"

Eda shook her head, resting her face in her hand, before lifting her chin slightly upwards.

"She's two!"

"Yeah, too old to be acting like a baby!"

"She is a baby!"

"Nuh uh!" King crosses his arms, scoffing at Eda. "She is a toddler, you always say that."

"My Titan, King. Do you really gotta act like this?"

Suddenly, Lily walked into the room, toilet paper stuffed into both ears. Bags rested just under her eyes, indicating little to no sleep.

"Can they quiet down?" Lilith asked, motioning towards the still bickering pair.

"Trust me, I tried. I don't know what to do anymore."

Lilith snapped her head to the whiny demon and angry babbling toddler.

"Mine!" Luz whined, snatching the stuffed toy from King. King started to squeal, kicking his small legs.

"No, Luz! It's mine! Find your own!"

Luz opened her mouth and moved towards the demon, making him flinch back in fear, and making Lily swiftly grab the child.

"Luz, no biting!" Lily corrected, holding the child away from King. King laughed and blew raspberries at the girl.

"King, keep at it. I'll tell Lily to put her down."

With that, King squeaked and hid behind a bigger toy, peaking out slightly. Eda sighed, once again rubbing her temples.

"I don't know what to do. They just can't get along today."

Lilith laughed slightly, popping the toilet paper out of her ears. "Edalyn, that was an everyday thing for us. They're siblings, bound to fight once in a while."

"Yeah, well, its pretty annoying. Any ideas to make peace?"

Lilith glanced to the demon playing on the floor. She tapped Luz's head subconsciously, before handing her off to Eda.

"Actually, I have a few ideas."


"This? Really?"

"Do you have any better ideas?"

"Eh, not really," Eda stated with a shrug. "It's just so old school!" she finished.

"Aren't we old school?" Lilith asked with a snicker, earning a fist bump and a small 'totally' from her younger sister.

Lilith and Eda stared at the duo, who was stuck together in one singular shirt. Luz whined as she tried to escape the shirts' grasp, but to no avail. King only groaned in annoyance as he pushed away from the toddler.

"Just leave them like this for a while," Lilith said proudly. "They'll be fine."

Eda gulped as she stared at the young duo who wasn't getting along any better than they were before.

And as Eda suspected - they were not fine at all.

In fact, they may have gotten even worse than before.

Eda figured that part out when King punched Luz in the face - not lightly, but not hard enough to exactly hurt. Eda suspected that Luz crying was more for attention that anything.

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