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Forth was about to sleep when his phone vibrated. He looked at the caller ID and become stiff. He slowly untangled himself from beam and went to the balcony closing the door behind as not to disturb beam.

"I've collected all the evidence against that Catherine girl as you asked for. She really have a history to tell. What should I do next" the person from the other side talked as soon as forth received the call.

Forth smirks "People would loooove to hear such news especially when it's about the leading actress of the industry"

"Yeah people love gossips" that person also smirks.

"Make sure you provide all these information with evidence to all the news channels and papers including online news providers. Do not leave any sites. Send a special copy to her husband. Let him know what his wife is doing behind his back" forth says in his cold voice.

"Noted forth. Just wait for tomorrow's headlines and you will be delighted to see my work" he says with a chuckle.

"Ohh I already know about your work in Alex's matter Ming no need to wait" forth chuckles "make sure you do the same with her. No one will be spared if they try to harm our love"

"Yeah. Served him right for trying to hurt beam and my kit. He should be thankful he is still alive in some part of the world. If not for his parents begging us I would have killed him with my own hands" he exhales loudly "I still don't understand why you want her alive after knowing she wants to harm your relationship"

Forth smirks "to let her know with whom she is dealing with. After the videos and photos will be publicized her husband will leave her. No one wants to work with her. She will have no one by her side in the end. I want her to die alone for hurting and trying to take my baby away from me. I also want her to see how happy my beam is without her. She made my baby cry for years so i want her to suffer hundred times more" he says in cold voice gritting his teeth.

(A/n: Never underestimate the cold forth guys. Forth is only soft for his beam not for others)

"Ahhh I can never surpass you in these things forth" he chuckles "Leave this matter to me I'll take care of her for you according to your plan" ming pauses for a while before asking "So how is beam? How did he react for what you did? Is he okay" he asks worriedly.

Forth turns and glances at beam who is sleeping "I'm feeling guilty for behaving like that ming. I knew beam loves me....I just wanted to test him but he....he wiped all my fears in a snap. He even cried for me. His every tears were killing me I side made. I hate myself for making him cry" he says sadly.

"Don't worry forth at least you don't feel insecure about your relationship anymore....it gave you confidence right......just make sure not to make him cry again. Even I made my kit cry because of my fears but now we are really happy since there is no doubts or insecurities between us" ming consoles him.

"Yes I'll make sure to keep him happy for the rest of my life" he says with a smile.

"I'm genuinely happy for you forth. We are lucky to find these beautiful souls as our partners" ming says looking at kit's photo on his phone.

"Yeah I agree with you we are lucky indeed. Its been a while I'm out of bed ming, beam will wake up if he doesn't feel me beside him. You too finish the work fast and go home. Kit might be waiting for you" forth reminds ming again.

"Yeah. I already miss him. I'll leave forth. Wait for the good news tomorrow bye" ming says and cuts the call.

After the call forth went inside. He smiles seeing beam trying to find him on bed. Forth went to bed and slowly takes beam in his embrace.

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