fourteen shots

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Beam entered the venue leaving Catherine behind. He greet everyone there with his signature smile which made everyone in awe. Beam was talking with the director of the film when the CEO of the company he is under approached him with someone he didn't expect to see there.

"Hey beam I want you to meet someone special. This is Mr. Forth Jaturapoom the biggest share holder of our company and sir this is beam Mr. Beam Baramee our hero. The start of the night" he introduces both of them.

Beam who was shocked to see forth there at first. They both shake their hands as if they are meeting for the first time. The CEO left them to talk with the other guests.

"You said you will not come when I asked you" beam hisses in a low voice with a smiling face. His face and voice contradicted completely.

"I wanted to surprise you baby" forth says lovingly not getting affected by beam's voice.

"Surprise....ohhh I'm really surprised" beam says with a fake excitement making forth laugh.

"You are lovely baby" he says smiling.

Beam pouts "hey what's with that biggest share holder thing the ceo said?" he asked remembering the CEO's words.

"That means I'm one of the share holders of the company baby" forth answers.

Beam glares at him "forth..."

Forth yet again laughs not getting affected by beam's glare "you look cute you know. And for your question yes I purchased the shares few years back but asked them not to disclose my name. So not many know about me baby"

Beam nods his head "that means...." he don't know how to ask.

Forth understood what beam wants to ask "yes. That's how your concert happened. They wanted to cancel your concert because 'someone' opposed that. I purchased the shares at that time and proposed your concert again..."

"Since you are the majority share holder they accepted it without any complaint" beam completed the sentence.

Forth nods his head in affirmation looking at him with the same tenderness and love.

"Ohh forth why did you.....ahh its of no use now. You have already done that. But isn't it too much to spend so much money just for me?" he asks not anyway.

"Nothing is too much when its come to you love. Don't think I did some charity towards you or something. That person wanted to cancel it because of his personal revenge so I did what's right" he shrugs.

"It's Alex right who tried to cancel my concert" beam sighs "he wanted to take revenge on me because I beat the shit out of him for what he did to kit. But then I heard he went abroad and never came back" just then someone calls beam "the crew is going to held the official press meet. Just wait here okay I'll be right back" beam said and rushed towards the direction of the person without noticing the change in forth's face when he mentioned Alex name.

The press meet went smoothly. Beam answered all the questions politely with a smiling face. Along with the journalists the fans were also there who were screaming beam's name.

"I'm your biggest fan beam"
"I love you beam"
"You are handsome beam"
"Marry me beam"
"We love you beam"

These screams can be heard from the crowd. Beam smiled and waved at them making them squeal in excitement. Forth was looking at that from afar. Even though he was feeling a little jealous more than that he was feeling proud of what beam have achieved.

The party just started after the press conference. Other actors and actresses from the film industry came and increased the parties excitement. The glasses were filled with unlimited drinks and served with tasty snacks.

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