five shots

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"You!! The hell kitty" beam shouts at that person.

"Hey don't call me kitty" even kit shouts at him.

"If you don't call kitty as kitty then what will you call a kitty, kitty?" Beam says with a smirk.

"Beammmmm" kit was ready to claw beam.

"Okay okay let's order something first to fill your hungry stomachs or else you will bite each other" forth interfears passing each of them the menu.

They both glared at eachother before turning to the menu. The waitress came and took their order with forth ordering for himself and beam.

"Hi I'm Ming, Mingkwan Dachipanya" finally ming extends his hand as he introduced himself.

"Also my boyfriend" kit says shyly.

Beam who extends his hand to accept ming's hand froze in the middle hearing kit.

"Your what?" beam stands up with his hands on his waist glaring at ming.

"Kit's boyfriend?" Ming was confused with beam's sudden change of mood.

"Since when?" Beam asks kit.

Kit started to feel nervous suddenly "umm sin.....since six months?"

"What?" beam bangs on the table "you are dating him for six months and didn't thought of telling me?"

"I'm sorry beam. I never intended to hide this from you..... in fact I wanted to tell you as soon as possible but you had back to back concerts and we were still on the testing phase. Last week we got official so I'm introducing him now. Don't be angry na pleaseeee" kit holds his ears asking sorry. Beam still glares at kit "promise......" kit mumbles.

Beam became a little calm hearing kit's explanation "does he know everything about you I mean EVERYTHING" he asks emphasizing everything word.

"I know everything about him and he know everything about me. We are serious about this relationship so we didn't hide anything from one another" ming answers this time.

Beam looked at ming for sometime before heaving a sigh. He sat down on his chair when he was sure ming was telling the truth.

"I'm glad you are serious about this. I don't want kit to get hurt again. If you hurt kitty in any way I'll become your nightmare. Trust me when I say you don't want have to face me" he warns ming seriously.

Ming nods his head "hurting kit is the last thing I even think of. I'll kill myself before anyone, if I hurt him" ming says as he took kit's hand in his and kissed back of kit's palm.

Kit became emotional listening to ming his eyes became teary "thank you" he says as a tear drops from his eyes.

Ming shakes his head as he wipes the tears "no I'm the one to say thanks for accepting me and don't cry or else your friend will chop me with these butter knives" kit chuckles at that.

"Yeah he is definitely capable of doing that" kit says wiping his eyes.

"Really?" Ming widens his eyes and kit nods his head. He turns towards beam who also nods his head with a serious face.

"I meant it as a joke. Damnnn I should be careful from now" he says holding his chest making everyone laugh.

Just then their order came. The waitress served their meal and excused themselves. Both kit and ming observes how Forth pics all the capsicum from beam's plate and wipes beam's lips as he is a messy eater and beam letting forth do all these as if it's very natural forgetting he is a celebrity. Beam looks up only to find both of them staring at him.

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