thirteen shots

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"I love you"

Finally forth gets to hear the words he was yearning to hear from beam. He was froze on his state not able to say anything. He was not even blinking afraid it may become a dream if he blinks.

"Forth!!" Beam calls him when he didn't get any reply.

"Huh.....did....did you just said what i heard?" Forth asks in disbelief.

Beam looks down with flushed face. He is feeling extremely shy under forth's gaze. He just nods his head not looking at forth.

"Can you...umm can you say that again baby" forth asks to confirm what he heard is truth....his heart is beam fast.....he is not able to trust his ears.

"Fooorthhhh" beam whines covering his cheeks which are completely red.

"Please Baby....once just once say it again" forth asks clasping his hands in his knees trying to cover his nervousness. His legs are trembling due to fear if he had heard wrong.

Beam observed forth's behavior. How he is trying hard to not show his fear. Beam heaved a subtle sighs before looking at forth. He cupped forth's face, looking straight into Forth's eyes he said,

"I love you forth.....I really really love you"

"You do" forth asks yet again.

Beam smiles softly at him "yes forth I love you..... you know I wanted to say this way before today. I was just waiting for the right time. I wanted to become something in life so I would be worthy enough to stand beside no one could question our relationship......but today after seeing your tears for me....I cannot hide it from you anymore forth" forth smiles at him trying to control his emotions.

"I know how much you wanted to hear these words forth.....I know you would feel hurt every time I don't reply you back when you say you love me even I was feeling hurt too.... but now I don't care if I have achieved anything in life..... I don't care if I'm qualified enough to stay beside you all I care is I love you and I want you.

There is so much more to share forth but I...I don't know how to express them through words.... all i know is I love you, I want you and I want to share my life with you forth Jaturapoom. Will you allow me to stay beside you for the rest of our lives. After making me feel all these things if you say no ill kill you right here right now" beam says with a serious face almost threatening.

Forth chuckles hearing beam's threat. He already has tears in his eyes listening to beam. All he was expecting is to hear those three words but beam said much more which added to his happiness. He nods his head continuously holding beam's hand which are cupping his face.

"Yes baby we will be together for the rest of our lives" forth says showing his gummy smile with tear filled eyes.

"Thank you forth...thank you so much for loving me, for waiting for me, for being with me and thank you for allowing me to be with you" beam smiles widely.

"No baby I should be the one to thank you....thank you for allowing me to love you. If you had not allowed me in your life the first time I asked you to be my boyfriend this day would have never come true dream to be with you would have never come true.....thank you love" forth says kissing beam's palms

"you don't know how much happy I'm today. This is the best day of my life baby. Thank you for making be the happiest person on earth. I promise to be a best partner for you baby.....forever and ever"

"Forever and ever" beam repeats the same before leaning to kiss forth's lips.

The kiss was unhurried and full of love. Both are trying to convey their love towards the other through that kiss. They savored each and every kiss, bite and licks with passion. No one is ready to break the kiss even when they are breathless.

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