Chapter 32: Regaining The Faith/Trust Of Heroes

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After the night of Mio staying at her siblings house the next morning at 4:30 am when the sun starts to rise from its slumber. She started going out with her bike since she usually starts her job at this time of day. The place where she works is the famous and the best hospital of all Japan The University of Tokyo Hospital. She parked the bike then went into the building and was greeted by some of her coworkers as she passed by. She got to her own medical room that is needed for people of urgencies and also a big desk to hold tons of patient files and medical pills.

 She got to her own medical room that is needed for people of urgencies and also a big desk to hold tons of patient files and medical pills

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She went to her desk to organize her stuff and check to see if anything was missing from her stash so that she could buy them later

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She went to her desk to organize her stuff and check to see if anything was missing from her stash so that she could buy them later. As she starts preparing her lesson for her student Mika she starts to hear a knock at her window, she looks to see nothing but trees waving around due to the wind. She ignores it thinking that it might be a tree branch hitting the window and continues on, but she hears it again, this time it was louder than before. She starts to feel wary about this so she slowly approaches it while grabbing a surgeon knife. Once she gets there she grabs the handle and opens instantly, she readies her knife out to stab this unknown person if they attack. As she looks out a person's head pops out below giving her a spook.

Rin: YO, SIS!

Mio: AHH! (breathe heavily) Jeez, you almost gave me a heart attack here!

Rin: HeHe! Well sorry sis I just love to jump scared people especially you.

Mio: *sign* You and your playfulness... I can't get over it.... So why did you come here, Rin?

Rin: Well I need to get my inhaler refilled because I'm out of it. (pull out inhaler)

Mio: Already? I thought I gave you plenty of them.

Rin: Guess time sure flies fast as a bullet.... or something else along those lines.

Mio just sighs in tiredness so she grabs Rin's inhaler and starts restocking it, but she sees that it ran out so she went to the table with many bottles of chemical medicine and started to make more of the inhaler bottles. While Mio doing that Rin slides in her room and goes to a bed to lay there relaxing.

Mio: I saw the fight that you and Yuuto had.

Rin: (smile) Was it cool?! I had so much fun fighting him again! I just love to feel the pain and pleasure of us fighting one another.

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