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"Wake up, wake up!"

A woman woke up

Screaming in the night

"I've had," she trembled, "such a fright."

"Relax, relax,"

Her husband soothed

"It was only a nightmare

Now back to bed with you."

She nodded her head

And fell back asleep

But in less than an hour

She woke up and screamed

"It's only a nightmare.

Now, quiet please.

I'm only human.

I need to sleep."

Once again, the woman nodded

Embarassed as could be

"It won't happen again," she whispered

Trying not to weep

She was true to her word

'Till about four hours passed

She woke screaming once more

Waking her husband yet again

"What do you dream of in your nightmares, my sweet?"

"Well," she cried, 

"I dreamed you would leave me!"

"Never," he swore

Holding her tight

"I love you too much to leave you, my wife.

No never in the world

Would I leave you, my love

'Cause I love you with all of my life."

Then they both went to sleep

With that night's happy end

And the woman never had

That nightmare again

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