Chapter 39: "Still Learning"

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It seems like fate is not with me and keeps on playing throughout my life. The moment I stepped inside our room, it felt different, most likely because she's not my roommate anymore. Momo's my roommate now just wanted to let you know what's going on. How? I don't know, I don't even want to know. I heard PD-nim thought of us switching roommates. It's still awkward for me and Momo to talk because of this whole "Dahyun"-thingamabob, I actually respect them, because why not? Dahyun's a friend and Momo is like a sister, but it's all happening too fast.

Too fast that when I was about to talk to my best friend about my feelings, but I see that she's happy with Mina now, I supposed Well, I had the feeling that they're going to date each other, just not really what I was expecting. I thought they were just sweet to each other.


Sana just woke up and thought about what happened to her and Dahyun earlier around 3 in the morning, she is ready to talk to Tzuyu, as she was expecting someone to be beside her but to dismay her she wasn't there. She looked at the clock and saw that it's 11 o'clock in the morning, and they have a recording session for their next comeback mini-album. She saw her phone and saw that someone messaged her, well not just her but in the group chat as well, it was her leader Jihyo saying, "Please be at the recording room of JYP-pdnim at around 1 pm sharp, we still have to practice. Thank you! Please eat well!".

She decided not to message back at the group chat but she messaged Tzuyu privately, "Tzu-yah, we need to talk"

Sana washed up and wore her comfortable clothes wearing sweat pants and a jacket with a shirt underneath it. She went out of their room and to her surprise, it was Nayeon and Jeongyeon who were at their dining area, eating their own lunch, "Oh! Sana, come on let's eat lunch. We made American food!" Nayeon said, she looked at the food that both Nayeon and Jeongyeon cooked, and it was indeed an American menu, pancakes, eggs, and bacon. "We didn't think that someone would be left here besides the two of us, so I only cooked for two people, but we can share!"

"It's okay Nayeon-unnie, I'm still full," she lied that all of them heard the grumbling at her stomach, her stomach betrayed her. The couple just laughed at her and offered her once again to eat up, Sana didn't hesitate and ate as well, "Where is everyone else?"

"Probably out, they went one by ones, or two by twos, they didn't exactly say where they are going," Jeongyeon said then took another bite of her pancake that was cooked by herself, "Why? Looking for Dahyun?"

Upon hearing her ex's name, she looked down and could only smile, "Oh, no not really. I actually want to talk to Tzuyu."

Nayeon and Jeongyeon looked at each other and looked at Sana who was eating her food waiting for an answer, "I think she went out with Mina, they said they going to buy some stuff that they want since they said some are on sale."

"She's with Mina, again." she thought to herself. She just felt her blood boiling and she knows she has no right to get jealous, but she is.

After they ate, they went to Jeongyeon's car and Sana sat at the back seat, looking through her phone to see if her best friend replied to her. Only to disappoint herself, she didn't get a reply.

While Jeongyeon was driving, Nayeon kept looking at the rear mirror to see what's going on with Sana. Sana kept on going through her phone, groan, and roll her eyes, which concerned the couple, "Yah Sana, what's up with you today?"

Sana forgot that she was not alone and someone from her group is with her, "Oh I was just playing a game." she lied and kept on looking at her phone.

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