Would you stay?

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Wanda woke up the next day to see everyone asleep apart from carol and Natasha.

Wanda: why, why are you two awake?

Carol: we uh, (hesitated) we couldn't sleep

Nat: yeah, so we just watched some tv

Wanda: oh.. (giggles) how's y/n?

Carol: she groaned in her sleep a couple of times but I'm hoping she's ok!

Wanda walks over to your resting body and kisses you on the forehead.

Wanda: can we- can we not talk about us 3... please. I don't know how it happened but I was- it was like I was connected to her

Carol: not a word from me

Nat: of course!!

Wanda: thank you guys, means a lot to me!

Wanda sits on the floor with carol and Natasha, they watch random stuff on tv. About 5 minutes later you wake up, you realise Morgan is still asleep on you, you life her up and lay her on the side of the settee.

Y/n: m-morning guys. What happened ?

Carol: good morning y/n!

Wanda: Morning y/n! Do you not remember? You ran from Agatha...

Y/n: Wanda! I'm- I'm sorry... 

Wanda: what? Why are you sorry?

Y/n: I let Agatha pin my down... she did things to me...

Nat: this isn't your fault!

Carol: she's- the spell isn't on her anymore?

Wanda: y/n, I'm gonna read your mind ok

Y/n: oh, uh. Ok

Wanda gets in the settee next to you and begins to read your mind.

Wanda let's out a scream.

Y/n: what!? Wanda!

Wanda: y/n...

Carol: what was it?

Wanda: did Agatha torture you? Your pain...

Y/n: I can't remember anything Wanda... I don't know what to do!

Wanda: can you remember anything at all?

Y/n: I can only remember one thing... you kept having nightmares... Agatha knocked you into a sleep and she... she did things to me...

Wanda: she- she raped you, didn't she? I knew she did and I still can't bring me self to understand why...

Y/n: she wanted me for herself... that's what she keep on saying. She hurt me.... but then one day... I felt like I was under a spell. My body... I couldn't stop it. I was in love with Agatha, and I just give in

Carol, Wanda and Natasha don't say a anything due to being shocked. Wanda let's a tear drop form her chin.

Y/n: I'm in to much pain... but she wouldn't stop... I couldn't stop... I needed to have constant sex... And then something felt wrong... yesterday I started getting flashbacks.... I took my chance and ran out of there... but I can't remember everything that happened.

Carol: I- y/n... you've been to hell and back

Wanda: she placed a spell on you.... I wanted to save you but I was to week. I was getting lessons of dr Strange.. but now your here. Her spell must have faded of. You where gone for about 3 month.... and every time you had sex... I had sex

Y/n: oh... but who did you have sex with...

Wanda: the thing is.... I had sex with Natasha and uh... and carol

Y/n: oh... I'm sorry... I didn't real-

Wanda: no don't be sorry, This isn't your fault okay! Agatha is behind this all, I need to stop her.... but I don't know how to

You suddenly let out a scream, as you get a flash back from Agatha's hut... a sex flashback.


Carol: Y/N!! What is it!?

Y/n: I- I can't do this anymore. Why me? Why is it always fucking me. I want to end this

Nat: what? What do you mean

Before you say anything, you get up and leave the compound. Wanda follows you, but tells Natasha and carol to stay inside. You force your self out of the hex.

As you leave the hex, Agatha gets herself ready for you to come, as she is in your head. One step ahead of you.

You suddenly start hearing voices in your head.

No one loves you y/n... come back to me


I know you want me back... as do i.

Y/n: no. No I don't!

Oh but that's a lie isn't it? 

As the voice says this, you body falls to the ground. Luckily Wanda was following you, she sees you falling to the ground and catches you body.

Y/n: Wanda... I'm sorry... 

As you speak you body becomes weaker, your eyes slowly close, you can't seem to keep them open.

Y/n: the voices... Agatha 

Wanda: please y/n, please would you just stay with me?

y/n: she's going to come.. she's going to...please 

You struggle to speak and finish of your sentence.

Wanda: she's going to what!? she can't get into the hex! 

y/n: she's-she's strong 

Wanda: I must ring Dr strange. I'm taking you home

y/n: n-no! I must... I must see her

Wanda: NO! I'm taking you home, your to weak! we can fight her together but you need your strength back! I love you y/n but I can't lose you again, I really can't.

Wanda, holding you, flies back inside of the hex, into the compound. She lays you down on the settee, every one awake now.

You fall asleep instantly. 

Pepper: gosh, is she okay? what happened? 

Wanda: she wanted to fight Agatha... on her own...

Carol: she's so weak, we need to keep her here 

Tony: what happened out there?

Wanda: she said she heard voices and then she got weaker, she fell from the sky. luckily I caught her! I need to right Dr strange this week. But I have to wait until She gets stronger! 

Tony: Your panning on fighting her?

Wanda: we have to... with me and y/n together and yous as well, we can defeat her! We'd be unstoppable 

Thor: Wanda's right! But, we have to wait until y/n is string again. You and y/n are the most powerful here!  

Wanda: I care for her to much to lose her again

Within two minuets later Morgan wakes up, yawning.

Morgan: I'm awake mom and Dad! 

Tony: morning Morg!

Pepper: good morning 

Morgan sits on pepper's lap. She grabs the remote and puts Dora the explore on

Wanda: Friggen dora! (giggles) 

Wanda and Morgan at the same time, ' hola, soy dora' 

Pepper and Tony giggles 

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