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Previously on "The True love"

Wanda: I thought you said less talking more-

Y/n: oh fuck... it's not what it sounds like!!!

Wanda: Natasha is just Using you

Lily: MOMMY! Your back!

Y/n: Nothing is right! I don't have a child, who is Darcy!? Baby, where is Natasha?

Wanda: are you okay? Have you been drinking again?

Y/n: you know I haven't, what's happening? I don't know who I am! What is all of this?

Wanda: I don't know what your talking about baby.

Y/n: stop, stop calling me that!

You suddenly scream as you start getting flashbacks.

Y/n: no!

Wanda backs herself away from you, she's starts losing some of her powers.

Wanda: baby...

Y/n: no stop. No. This isn't real! Your not Wanda, who are you!?

You drop down to your knees, your hands touching the ground. A blast of powers appears from your hands.

Y/n: (angrily) who.. are you?

Wanda: it's me!

You tilt your head, you body in the sky, power flowing from your hand.

Wanda: hun it's me

Y/n: you see, that's where I know your wrong

Wanda: you figured that out fast, didn't you?

"Wanda" uses her power to reveal her true self

Y/n: A-Agatha...

Agatha: of course it's me! Who else would it be!?

The walls of the house collapse as Agatha walks outside. You decide to follow her.

Y/n: where is Wanda?

Agatha: oh your wife? She's safe, very safe

Y/n: wait wait...

Agatha: yes, we had sex again. You didn't propose to Wanda sweetie, you proposed to me!

Agatha rolls her eyes at you.

Y/n: why? Why are you doing this? We had se-

Agatha: I said that, correct. The sex was pretty wonderful

Y/n: oh my god.... what do you want?

Agatha: I want you

Y/n: me? Who is Darcy!? Is lily even real?

Agatha: none of them are real silly! I created this "false world" , your ex false world.

Y/n: I don't- I don't understand

Agatha: you really are dumb!

Agatha flies into the town Center of west view, you follow her.

Agatha: all of this... is for us

Y/n: I don't want this Agatha!

Agatha: our love was real

Y/n: you where disguised as Wanda, Agatha! It wasn't real

Agatha: I'm not on about that hun, I'm on about the last time. The time you accepted my deal. The last time we where here

Y/n: I-

Agatha: this is real, I built the hex back up, for us. Why can't you see that? Why can't you accept us? Why don't you love me!?

Y/n: no, no. This isn't real! Agatha, what have you done to Wanda?

Agatha: again, She's safe! She's been in my basement for ages. Jesus

You try running towards Agatha's house but she stops you with her powers

Agatha: you can see her later sweetie

Y/n: please, I have to see her! I'll do anything

Agatha: you keep saying you'll do anything, you never stick to it.

Y/n: I'm begging you. What do you want?

Agatha: I want to start over!

Y/n: start over?

Agatha: I want to be part of the avengers. I want them to lose their memories of me. I need-

Y/n: okay fine! Just take me to Wanda

Agatha, using her powers, lifts you slightly into the air. Your hands forced behind your back tied up. The same with your legs.

She makes her way to her purple, dull basement. Your body followers her.

You see Wanda's motionless body on the ground. You try getting to her but Agatha stops you.

Y/n: p-please

Agatha: fine

Agatha unties you, you run over to Wanda.

Y/n: Wanda, baby. I'm sorry! Please wake up

Wanda: Get of me!

Wanda pushes you, thinking your Agatha.

Y/n: Wanda, it's me

Wanda: y/n? What, what are you doing here? With A-Agatha!? Baby, get away from her!

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