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You musn't give your heart to a wild thing.
The more you do, the stronger they get, until they're strong enough
to run into the woods or fly into a tree.
And then to a higher tree and then to the sky.
~ Holly Golightly, Breakfast At Tiffany's

~ Holly Golightly, Breakfast At Tiffany's

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"So we all know how well your first book did. Even I couldn't get a copy before it sold out on its first go!" The interviewer laughs.

Big cameras point between us, lights hanging from the ceiling to mimic a three point lighting block. It doesn't feel real being on television. Not many writers are.

"Now what should we expect from this next one?"

I look at her with kind eyes, knowing I had prepped what to say for this exact question. The publishing house gave me a deal right after my first book hit the shelves. I got to work on my second book, trying to figure out exactly what I wanted to do with it.

She was so personal and crafted around Sarah that I didn't even consider what else I could write about. But it came to me rather quickly and so did the words.

"I went through a traumatic experience during the writing of She and it was something I felt I needed to share with people. Help other victims of sexual assault feel not so alone. That they're heard even if they don't feel ready to talk about it."

"Wow, that's powerful stuff. I'm going to assume here that you experiences those things too?"

"Yes, I was drugged and raped while out a bar with some friends. To be put it lightly," I chuckle to help lighten the mood, "and it was one of the hardest thing I ever had to go through. When you surround yourself with good people and love, it really helps you figure out how to go forward. That's what I wanted this next book to be about."

She nods at me approvingly. "That's very impressive and I'm sure we all look forward to reading it. We offer our love and support to you and others of the same situation."

The interview finishes up and Kimmie meets me off camera. She goes on to direct me to the dressing room where a couple of people offer me water and snacks.

Then my phone rings and I see that it's Corpse. I smile and answer right away.

"Hey cutie." His voice comes through.

"Hi hun, what's up? I just got off stage."

"Oh yeah? How'd it go?"

I shoo everyone away who doesn't need to be in the room. "It was great, talked about book number 2 and yeah, it was really cool."

"That's my little superstar writer."

I laugh. "Those words don't feel right together but I'll take it."

"Good. Anyway, we're doing another charity stream tonight. You down to join?"

I bite my lip in excitement and look to Kimmie who's texting away on her phone.

"Hell yeah I am, what time?"


FINALLY!!! We've done it!

Sorry for the delay in publishing this last chapter. Lots of crazy life stuff and growing up just makes you busier.

I love you all and thanks for reading my mediocre book.

Xoxo - S

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