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You can close your eyes if you want.
Sometimes things are less scary.
~ Tyler Joseph

As the night went on, we danced and laughed and drank

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As the night went on, we danced and laughed and drank. We celebrated my book and the excitement for its release tomorrow was very present in the group. They kept bothering me on why I chose not to get the book until it's release date, but my reasoning is my own and they accepted that after a couple of drinks.

It's been incredibly deliberating to say the least. By the end of my first drink, I already could feel the anxiety going away and the conflicted thoughts sitting still. I only make it to the end of my second before I stop drinking altogether. I don't really like drinking anyway, even before the incident. Plus, I want to remember tonight more than I want to forget everything else.

Throughout the night, I've learned that Poki and Rae are incredibly good at drinking games. They've won almost every single game so far and Toast has been the referee for most of them. Sykkuno played one round and missed every single shot he threw. We all cheered him on anyway even though he told us to stop with bright red cheeks.

Corpse stuck to his jack and coke for most of the night, only finishing a glass and a half by the time people began to leave. By the end of the party, Rae had drank so much that she decided that the couch would be her new bed and I didn't mind.

We said our goodbyes to everyone just before the two of us start cleaning everything up the house. I'm definitely the kind of person to clean the night of, instead of in the morning, so I start on the far side of the living room while Corpse goes to the kitchen. I didn't even ask for his help but I appreciate the effort greatly.

The sound of soft music playing from the speaker on the counter fills the silent ambiance. The dim lights and little bit of alcohol in my system has me feeling really calm right now. At peace.

I find myself glancing over at the man in my kitchen, reaching up to put still full bottles of alcohol in the cabinet. The trash I'm picking up from the floor falls from my fingers in my distracted gaze.

Awkwardly, I clear my throat and pick up the fallen trash, along with a few other empty cups lying around.

I'm clearing off the coffee table of plates and cups when a familiar song starts circulating through the room. I smile hearing Billy Joel's beautiful piano sound.

Humming the lyrics to myself, I notice a napkin under the table. I reach for it and struggle for a moment. The second the paper touches my hand, I hear Corpse on the other side of room singing.

I look over to see him throwing a couple of dishes into the sink, mask now off. He looks really different like this. The light gently grazing his skin and reflecting in his eyes.

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