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Watch carefully
the magic that occurs
when you give a person
enough comfort
to just be themselves.
~ Atticus

The next day~ Café

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The next day
~ Café

I got up super early this morning, for whatever reason, and thought that it would be nice to get out of the house for a little bit. It's going to be difficult to pull me away from work, even with most of my part in the project being done. Therefore, I brought my laptop to the café down the street from my place to go through emails.

The transition into civilization is going to done in baby steps. Actually going outside is a big step since I can't even remember the last time I saw the sun not through a window. It's actually somewhat cloudy today but the concept is still there.

The little shop is rather full of customers but a majority of them are taking their orders to go so the tables have remained mostly empty. It's interesting to see the side of the spectrum where people are so busy with life that they just order their coffees and don't even bother to sit for a moment to enjoy them.

It's hard to imagine that I'm slowly coming out of that. Anyway, I've only just sat down a few minutes prior to ordering an iced expresso so my email has just finished loading. The first message I see at the top of my unread is from Kimmie. I go ahead and open it up.

Re: Getting published!!


I wanted to send a separate email from all the work nonsense and just congratulate you on this incredible accomplishment. You've worked so hard. We both have, haha. Even if the turnout isn't great, we both know how amazing this book is. I know Sarah would be really proud of you. Sending my love.

Kimmie <3

The strings in my heart feel a slight pull at her kind words. Especially at the mention of Sarah. I don't talk about it much because of how sensitive of a topic it is but Rae knows and so does my family. To sum it up, Sarah was my best friend from kindergarten all the way up through our first year of college.

She died from an out-of-the blue stroke and I took it really hard. We were practically sisters. I don't talk to my parents and haven't in years so of course Sarah was like the only family I had, besides my brother.

I used to write in these journals all the time and fill them with random poetry. It was like my place to talk about whatever the hell I wanted too. Sarah used to sneakily read my stuff when I wasn't paying attention and would beg me to write them into a book. For a while I would tell her no and just ignore it, but when she passed, I promised myself I would write an amazing book for her and get it published.

That brings us to why Kimmie said what she did in her email. She knows because she had to read my dedication page and wanted to confirm who she was for legal purposes. But Kimmie's been nothing but sweet to me and hasn't mentioned it unless appropriate.

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