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In a word, I was too cowardly to do what I knew to be right,
as I had been too cowardly to avoid doing what I knew to be wrong.
~Charles Dickens, Great Expectations

Feeling full and content we pack the food away in the plastic bags and take a moment to just relax

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Feeling full and content we pack the food away in the plastic bags and take a moment to just relax. A helicopter flies over head and the two of us watch it loop around in a circle, probably following someone. In California there always seems to be some kind of shit going down. Even in the middle of the day. 

I rest my arms behind me, leaning my weight onto my hands. "Have you ever thought about what it's like to ride in a helicopter?" I ask randomly. 

Corpse chuckles. "Not really." 

"It's probably loud." 

"Well that's why they where headsets." 

"Still, there's no way you can block out all of that sound." 

He doesn't say anything for a moment. The helicopter starts going in a straight direction to the right. When we were kids, I used to want to be a pilot. That didn't last too long though amidst the dozens of other things I thought I wanted to do with my life. 

"Can I ask you something?" Corpse breaks my thoughts. 

I look over at him, admiring the way the sun is sparkling into his eyes. "Sure." 

Still focused on the helicopter, he asks, "Did you really have no experience with video games before you played with us?"

This makes me laugh a little, not expecting that question at all. Especially with how serious he seemed beforehand. I reach over and shove his shoulder lightly. He grabs at it and pretends to be hurt. 

"Yeah, I genuinely didn't know shit about gaming. Still don't."

"I beg to differ." 

I shove him again. He grabs his arm again but not in the same way he did previously. I brush it off, hoping I'm overthinking my own strength. 

We stay in silence for a while longer before I decide that I need to tell him about my plan to go back to Rae's. Instead of treating it like a definite decision, I feel like getting his thoughts on the situation might be better. Especially since I don't even know exactly what it is I want to do yet.

"Um, so I'm thinking of going back to Rae's to get my stuff and my car. But I'm not too sure if it's a good idea right now."  

"I mean I get it, you're probably home sick. I kind of dragged you here without asking if that's what you wanted." 

I sit up straight and fold my hands into my lap. "No, I definitely would've preferred being here with you then on the street." 

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