The masked master

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I flew above the mountains. Feeling the wind on my face and feeling the light feeling in my chest, of freedom. No longer being chained to the ground. I did a few barrel roles, and have been adjusting to the air again. Man I have some work to do if I want to be as strong as I can be. 10 years with out flying had put a damper on my wings. While I was flying really good right now, it was gonna take a long time for me to be at my prime. I then looked around. Ok so Giyu said it was that mountain. I said looking at the one. Ok.

I swooped down and looked around the mountain. I then got a whiff of the boys scent. Hes over this way. I turned and landed next to a hut.

I sniffed around. He's definitely been here. "So you did come." I heard a voice say. I looked over to a guy with a red mask with a big nose. What the hell? "Tomioka said you might come." He said, I nodded. "There is a river no far that way, it is full of fish." He said pointing, and my stomach made growling sound. I nodded in thanks. "The boy will be back in a little while." He said. I nodded again and went to the river.

When I got the to river I landed and found, i was already there. It was the same on as before, I was just above were the lake was and last time I was below it. But this part of the river was more alive with fish. I dove my head in and grabbed a few out, and gobbled them up. This is the life. I grabbed a few more in my mouth and swallowed them. I then grabbed a drink to flush them down. I then layed down in the snow and took a deep breathe.

So this Masked guy is a trainer? His mask kind of sends a weird vibe, but I think I can trust him. If he's a trainer then he might have trained Giyu. I got up for a couple for fish. So, if Giyu says I can trust him, I think I can. And I think I can trust Giyu to not say anything about me at the demon slayer headquarters, where ever that is. I gobbled down the other fish I caught. I'll probably stay around for a while. I do need to regain some strength. My body might have grown, but ten years with out flying is kind of hard to get used to. I'm surprised I did so well before, but I'm gonna need to train a little but maybe. I won't have him train me, more of just ,flying around more and longer, building some more muscle on my wings. I'm not sure exactly where but I do change my mind and want to try to go back to the hidden world, it's probably pretty far off the coast, so I'll need enough strength to reach it.

After another drink I headed back up to the hut. I know where Hidden world mountain is from here. If I start flying from here to there every day maybe just see how it is or grab something of whatever, that could be my training. I landed next to the hut, and saw the masked man again. Right now I'm not gonna. I want to see that kid again, and Nezuko. I then heard some tumbling down the mountain and then I saw the checkered coat. Then the kid rolled out of the woods onto the ground looking a little beat up.

He laid on the ground panting. "Ok.... I'm done." He said. "Good, you have a visitor." He said, and the kid looked up and saw me. "The dragon from before." He said. I looked at him and went a little closer with curiosity. He got kind of scared and started to go backwards. He then hit a rock and couldn't go any where. "Huh..... hi.." he said. I just looked at him and then walked away. I then sniffed around the house and picked up another scent. I looked in and looked over to a room and saw Nezuko. I walked in a little more and sniffed her. Is she asleep? I then went in the room and laid next to her. "We found a demon in a house." I heard the boys voice. "I tried to stop it, and Nezuko protected me. She did get hurt though, and she fell asleep, and hasn't woken up sense." He said. I looked at her. I hope your ok. I said and curled up next to the bed, and looked at her.

"She will be ok." The masked man said. "Get some rest. It will be dark soon." He said to the boy and he came in the room. Oh, I can leave. I was gonna get up. "No you can stay." The boy said to me. He looked at me with a smile. "I don't mind you being in here." He said, and sat at his desk thing. I laid back down.

I then felt his eyes in me. "I think ive heard some stuff about dragons, but not a lot." He said. And he looked down to my tail. "Oh, what happened?" He asked pointing to my tail. I sighed a little. I then lifted my tail and moved my fin, causing the fake one to move. "Woah, that's interesting. Where you born like that?" I shook my head. And gestured to Nezuko. "Demons?" He asked. I nodded. I then moved my tail towards him, and he looked at the tail fin. He then moved a latch, and the tail fin unlocked and It came off, revealed my scar. "Oh, it was taken off." He said, I nodded.

I then moved his hands towards it, and I twitched my tail away. He looked at me, and I moved my tail back and felt his hand touch my scar. It felt kinda weird. But his hands were so gentle. I then pulled my tail back and Laid back down and closed my eyes.

I felt myself drift into sleep. This will be an interesting journey.

(Ok, hope you liked it. Pretty short chapter. Nothing much to say. Bye.)

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