Chapter 20: An Illusion

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I left the note on the nightstand and had gone up to the roof of the town house. I had sent my mind out hoping that Rhysand could use his powers to reach me. I had felt his presence in my mind which was a strange sensation as i told him to come and get me quickly.

"Levain what's wrong?" I held my finger up to my mouth and motioned for him to take me with him. Once we were in the air i answered his question.

"Azriel won't let me go. But you need my help. I'm also not useless." Rhys laughed as he flew us to what i assumed was going to be the estate house. 

"I know your not. He does as well. I know what its like to put your mate in danger. I understand how hard this is for him." I nodded. "Hold on tight we are leaving Velaris." I nodded and he winnowed us away falling back into the air. I looked around us and saw nothing but forest slowly beginning to thaw as we neared the end of winter. We landed and i saw Cassian, Mor and Feyre already standing next to us. 

"How was your last three days?" Mor squeaked as her and Feyre came up to me holding my arms out. I blushed at what they were referencing. 

"We don't have time for that right now." Cassian groaned behind them. "But after i would very much like to hear the details as well." I laughed and pushed into the circle.

"So what's the plan?" I asked them. Cassian started to explain about how they had been speaking about training me out here for the last few days around Velaris and at the house. Hoping our enemies would catch on. Now it was just a waiting game. 

"How are they going to have a chance to get me if you are all hear?" I asked pointing out what i thought was obvious.

"We will be hiding far away in the forest but close enough that Rhys and i can still reach your mind. We will know when they come to you and then we can take them and figure out who they are." I nodded. Sounded like a good plan. Everyone looked around to survey the area one time before they winnowed leaving me alone in the snow. The forest was quiet and all i could hear was a creek running somewhere close. Not even any animals making themselves known. I didn't have much magic to use in a fight. Rita had taught me how to make my body into a weapon instead. I had enough that i could momentarily blind someone with hallucinations. Rita assumed it was from my other half, whoever had sired me. I could use that as an advantage when fighting opponents. 

"That's a lot of scents considering you are out here alone." I heard a harsh male voice from one end of the clearing. I turned as five more came out and started to close the circle around me. "Don't worry it wont mater. These will keep them out of your mind." He held up two hand cuffs. 

"You will have to get them on me first." I said and my smile turned up at the corners. Feyre had given me a band of daggers before she had left in case they didn't get to me fast enough. One of them lunged at me and i ducked down to slice the tendons at the back of his legs. The still icy ground made it easy to slide away from him as another came at me. I sliced up against his groin and watched him fall, as he went past me again i sliced his throat enough to drop him now, but with fae healing it wouldn't keep him down forever. Moving away from them i moved to another but my hands stopped still as i felt an invisible wall go around my arms. I looked towards the one that had started talking first. 

"We underestimated you the first time it seems. We wont be making that same mistake again." He said as he walked closer to me and placed the cuffs around my wrists. I could feel all sense of magic fade out of me and even my strength felt weaker. 

"They will kill you." I growled out as he released his hold on me and pulled against the chains making sure they were secure.

"They will have to find us first." His smirk was so vile that i wanted nothing more than to drive the remaining daggers into his chest. We started to winnow and i knew he had made a mistake. He took back the male i sliced into the legs of. But had left the second one, thinking he was dead. I smiled as we landed. Idiots. I took in my surroundings and noticed the darkness around us. As if no light was coming in here. I could hear the screams and pleas coming from every direction. We were in a large room with a throne at one end. Which king or tyrant had they brought me too. I felt the breath fade out of me as i saw a distorted figure walking to his throne and sitting down. His image was always wavering never setting into one form. As if he didn't have a true form. Once he sat down the shadows snaking around him settled and he looked like a young male fae. But his eyes were soulless.

"Shadowsingers mate. What a nice addition to my collection." Oh Gods this must be the person Rhys and Cassian were talking about, what did they say his name was. Koschei. A death god. Great.

"I will not be part of your collection." I spat as a guard pushed me to my knees. My friends would find me soon enough. It would be fine. 

"You will be. You will beg to be tucked away in one of the many rooms i have to offer you once i am done." I recoiled in fear. I had never been taken against my will. I prayed to every God we had that wasn't what he meant. Almost as soon as the fear had risen it faded. As i saw a familiar figure walking across the floor. He looked like Azriel. But his face was cold, and hate filled. 

"What... how." I looked up as the image moved behind me. I followed his footsteps.

"An illusion. But that dosen't mean it wont hurt any less." I saw the image of Azriel unfurl a leather whip tipped with what looked like Ashwood. I whipped my head back to the death god lounging on his chair. 

"Agree to be mine and i wont let him touch you." I looked back to the image. Nothing in his eyes sparkled when he looked back at me. I could do this. I could endure this. I snapped my gaze back to Koschei.

"You cant have me." I looked at him not wanting to see the image of my mate lashing me as i felt the first crack of the whip. I screamed and i thought my throat would explode from the sound. 

"I'll ask you after every 5 lashes. You will be given the same choice." I shook my head the silent answer that i would not yield. Somehow my vision changed and instead of looking down at the floor i was looking from where he sat watching as Azriel cracked the whip into my beck again and my shirt ripped apart. Another illusion. There was nothing i could do but watch the person i had just been in bed with. Mating with. Tear my back to shreds. I screamed out again. And again. Before i went into a dark oblivion and didn't want to come back. 

Azriel x OCTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon