Chapter 7: Temptations

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It had been hard to stay away from her this past week. After i had seen her dancing my mind had been taken over my purely dirty thoughts of how many ways i could take her. I had many females over the years and my tastes had gotten increasingly dirty. There would be no way she would have me if she knew half the things going through my mind. After fighting with Rhy's and Cassian for a week straight i thought it was time to see her again. Mor and Cassian had kept her company and i wanted to throttle them for almost letting slip how attracted to her i was. Seeing her laying in my lap was really testing my self restraint as her face was so close to me. Then she had to ask about the females i had been with i felt myself becoming unhinged. She had only had three males her whole life. So young so untested i had to keep reminding myself to keep my thoughts at bay.

"Only three?" I questioned as i found it hard to believe only three males had ever wanted to be with her. It was as if she read my mind with her next words.

"Only three that i wanted." Shit she was so gorgeous sitting before me i was glad the pillow was between us as i felt my cock start to harden as she talked about her sex life. Words escaped me and i knew anything i said would come out croaky as i fought with myself.

"Did your females enjoy themselves do you think?" Fuck she was continuing this conversation on even further she must have had a lot to drink tonight to talk about this so freely. I thought about them all moaning my name as i had them tied up in various positions in my bed and found myself wanting to do all those things to her instead.

"I believe so." I groaned out as my cock became fully hard under the pillow and my pants. She giggled beneath me and i wondered if maybe she was thinking about herself being one of those women. No way in hell would that happen.

"Would any of them help you to move on from Mor? In a physical way i mean." Cauldron surely she was not asking this in hopes she would be the one i moved on with.

"I wouldn't want any of them to help me with that." Honesty. Rhy's had said this was the best road to take. To be as honest as i could with her. She turned her eyes back to look at me and i wanted to badly to removed the pillow strip my pants and shove my now completely hard cock into the beautiful full mouth. I gripped the side of the couch harder trying to control myself.

"Would you want to move on in a physical sense with maybe..." Fuck where was she going with that line of questioning. Surely not where i wanted it to go. "Someone like me?" She looked into my eyes not moving away from stare that i was sure was full of lust. I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat.

"I would very much like to move on with someone like you." I saw her face become even more red which i was sure it wouldn't be able to do. I was sure that she would shy away from me know. Teasing and questioning was one thing but knowing the truth was something else completely. I watched as she stood up from where she was laying and stood in front of me.

"I should probably have a bath. You know all sweaty from dancing and stuff." Fuck i had scared her off she was trying to get away from me now. I stayed sitting as i nodded to her not wanting her to see how hard i had become from simply having her head near my cock. She moved towards the door at the back of the apartment and closed it behind her. I tried not to think of how she would be naked soon as she stripped her dress off. As she touched herself in all the places i wanted to as she washed herself. Fuck.

I stood up trying to get the blood to rush to any other part of my body. Any thoughts that didn't involve her naked and spread out under me were hard to think of.

"Azriel. Can you help me with something." Levain called through the door. Fuck. Help her with what. I moved towards the door and stopped before walking in would she be naked. No she wouldn't let me see her like that.

"What do you need?" I asked through the door not wanting to tempt myself by seeing her naked form. I had only come here to ask forgiveness for avoiding her all week. Not to fuck her senseless. She opened the door for me and thankfully was fully dressed. But as she spoke i knew i was completely fucked.

"Can you help me with my dress?" She turned and moved her hair to reveal the buttons that went from her neck all the way down to just above her ass. Fuck. I started on the first button at her neck trying to keep my fingers away from her skin. I accidently brushed the back of her shoulders as i got further down the buttons and her skin felt so lovely under my hands. I found myself trying to brush against her skin as much as i could as i helped her with the rest of the buttons. I didn't think my cock could get any harder as i reached the ones just above her ass and found her back completely bare before me. She turned holding the front of her dress to her body to keep it from falling down.

"Thanks." She blinked at me from underneath her lashes and a ran back out the door before i ripped that dress of her and fucked her against the bathroom wall. I leant against the door as i breathed heavily. She would be naked now. I could hear her getting into the water and wanted to kick myself for being this stupid. I was not going to be able to handle this. What the fuck was i thinking listening to Rhy's and Cassian. Fuck.

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