Chapter 19: I'm Sorry

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The last three days with Levain were the most tiring three days ever. Even during the Blood Rite i hadn't been that exhausted. But even when i knew i should sleep i couldn't bring myself too. She was perfect. Every time i didn't think she could take more, she would. I even found myself giving up control for her a few times. And she said forever. I couldn't believe i could have this forever.

"Morning." I said as i saw her eyes flutter open. Her head still on my chest where she had fallen asleep only three hours ago. 

"Mmm. Morning." She replied as she stretched out her arms. 

"We should probably have some breakfast." I suggested. We had only managed to have two meals the past three days. Both to preoccupied with eating other things than food. 

"That sounds good." Levain muttered as she closed her eyes again. I chuckled. Not a morning person it seemed. That was bound to be true as her job required her to be up all night. I moved myself out from underneath her and ventured down to the kitchen. Before i could get there i saw two males in the front room.

"Wow that is a lovely scent you have going on there." Cassian said as he swished his hand in front of his nose. I rolled my eyes.

"Mating bond looks good on you Az." Rhys added. I held my finger up to my mouth.

"Shut up. Levain is still asleep. Come to the kitchen." I motioned for them to follow me and they did. Once in the kitchen i put the kettle on to boil some water for some tea. I also found some muffins and started to load up a tray with all kinds of fruits on it. Cassian and Rhys looked at each other then back at me.

"God's i never pictured you as a house wife Az." Cassian commented from across the counter.

"Is there a reason the two of you are here." 

"I mean it is technically still my house." Rhy's added as they both sat down across the counter.

"The males in Levains apartment belonged to the mortal queens we think." Cassian started. I rose my eyes from the food i had gathered. Waiting for him to continue. "It is hard to tell, they were all Fae and we can't count out Hybern or somehow maybe Koschei." I sighed. In between the amazing time i was spending with Levain i couldn't help but think back to the problem at hand. I assumed it would be one of those three.

"How do we figure out which?" I said simply. 

"Well that's the problem. We don't know. It could even be someone else. Or maybe they could be all working together. We don't know." Rhys said looking down at his hands. This was clearly getting to him. His plan had not worked.

"So what's the plan?" Cassian and Rhys looked at each other. 

"Well we need Levain to act as bait again so we can figure out who it is so we can take them down." Rhys said almost too quickly to comprehend. I could feel the anger begin to rise up in me. No way was i going to put her in danger. Anyone who wanted to harm her would meet a slow and painful death. I clenched my fists against the bench top.

"No fucking way." I growled out. Trying to keep a leash on my temper. 

"It already worked once Az. It could work again and this time we could take them and ask them who they are working for." Cassian said in a soft voice that was not like him at all. Clearly trying to calm me down.

"I am not putting her in harms way. Not going to happen. Think of something else." 

"We will all be there this time to help. We will make a plan. She won't be in trouble in this time Az i swear." Rhys helped Cassian's argument. I wasn't going to budge. I could hear my voice getting louder.

"No. Fucking. Way." The bench snapped under my grip and i let go the dust now in my hands. 

"I'll do it." We all snapped our heads to the door. Levain stood with only my oversized shirt covering her. I felt my stomach flip at her words.

"No." I said moving closer towards her to try to shield her from Rhys and Cassian's view.

"It is smart. I already knew that the first time Rhysand did it. Even if he didn't tell me." She shot daggers across at Rhys. At least we could agree that plan was stupid.

"It's not going to happen Levain." She crossed her arms.

"Just because we are..." A grin formed across her face. "Mated now." God's those words sounded like heaven from her lips. "Doesn't mean you can tell me what to do." She stamped her foot to drive home her point. Standing up to me like that and trying to be so strong made me want to rip that shirt off her and take her over the kitchen bench. We stood silently arguing through our stare as Rhys and Cassian got up from behind me.

"We will let you two discuss it." Rhys said sidestepping around us and moving towards the front door. "You will be safe here." With those words Cassian followed him out and i was still staring at Levain.

"Look. I know you can handle yourself. But i just can't put you at risk. Okay." She uncrossed her arms.

"Can we at least talk about it?" She asked swaying on the spot. The shirt barely fell over her ass and the swaying made it reveal more. Surely she knew what she was doing to me. 

"Fine. Go back up stairs. I'll bring breakfast up." She turned on her heels and walked back to the stairs. I moved back to the kitchen to finish getting breakfast ready and made the cups of tea. I knew it was a good idea. One of the only ones we had to gain information about our enemies. But i had only just found her. I couldn't loose her now. After only having her for such a short time. I didn't care if i had to tie her to that bed she wasn't going anywhere i didn't think was safe for her. Overbearing? Yes. Insanely protective? Also yes. It was all i could do. 

I walked back up the stairs with the tray in my hands. I knocked on the door but no one opened it. I used my shadows to open it and couldn't see Levain on the bed or sitting at the desk waiting for the food. Maybe she was in the bathing chambers i thought. I went to place the food tray on the desk. Siting before me was something that terrified me more than the Hybern King. More than Nesta climbing out of that lake with the Mask on. More than the thought of Feyre and Rhys and the babe dying. It was a note that simply read.

I'm Sorry.

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