Chapter 12: All Dolled Up

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It was just after lunch time before the winter solstice party up at the House of Wind and i hadn't seen Azriel since the night he tangled in my sheets. I knew it was only one time but at least thought he wouldn't make it awkward and still be my friend afterwards. Apparently it seemed i was wrong. The party was going to start at around 4pm so that everyone could watch the sunset from the amazing viewpoint. I tried to think about the last time i had watched the sunset from up there.

"L, your spacing out again." Mor said from behind me where she was putting up my hair for tonight. She had done half of my hair up pinned with emerald stones to match my dress. My make up had been done by Feyre's hand maidens earlier and was a simple kohl line along my lid and gloss over my lips.

"Sorry, i was just day dreaming." I hadn't seen much of the girls since the day they bought my dress for me. I hadn't seen anyone but Mor inside of Rita's the last few days either.

"About what?" Feyre asked from where she was lacing up her shoes, "Or rather who?" She giggled and i threw her a look with a protest from Mor trying to curl the hair that was cascading down my shoulders.

"How do you know?" I asked feeling the heat rushing to my cheeks. Azriel was practically her brother this was so awkward.

"Az has been rather distant lately." Mor chipped in, "Ever since three days when we dropped you off at your apartment." Shit surely he wouldn't have told them. But Feyre could see into people's mind's and he would always talk to Mor.

"Rhy's and Cassian told us after the smelt it on him at training the next morning." Feyre added as she saw my look of unease.

"So, is that who has been distracting you thoughts?" Mor asked, as if the blush in my cheeks wasn't answer enough.

"It's just that i offered to help him move on from you." I gestured to Mor in the mirror she smiled in thanks, "And i know it was just that but i just can't stop thinking about it and i haven't seen him since." I said fidgeting my hands in my lap. The girls shared a look between them for a moment as if discussing something in their minds.

"Az sometimes finds it hard to confront his feelings. You should know that since your the one who talked him down from me." Mor said after their moment had passed. I shrugged because it was something i already knew. Mor finished on my hair and i moved to put on my dress behind the screen in the corner of the room. We would all be arriving a little early as Feyre wanted to make sure everything was going to go smoothly. I slid into my dress and the silk felt cool against my skin, because the dress was strapless i wasn't wearing a bra. I tried to calm my nerves as i stepped back into the room.

"Wow." Amren commented as she walked through the doors to the room we were getting ready in. She had gotten ready on her own and was here to go up to the House with us.

"You look amazing L." Mor added and Feyre just nodded in approval. The helped me into my heels which i found a little hard to walk in at first. It wasn't my usual footwear.

"Are you sure?" They were all used to dressing up for occasions i never wore anything more fancy than simple dresses. They all nodded at my question and we all looked ready to go. Mor brought over a cup of amber liquid for me as i felt my hands shaking.

"Here liquid courage. You will be fine we got you." I nodded and put threw the glass back the liquid warming up my insides and making me a little less stressed. Amren motioned to the door and i followed the three ladies to the landing strip infront of the stairs. I had to watch my feet as i walked down the stair case to make sure i didn't trip and it took me a while longer to decend as it did the others.

"You look lovely High Lady." I heard Rhy's say as he took Feyre's hand from the stair well. Mor and Amren audibly sighed. I got to the last step and looked up to see everyone in their inner circle watching me trying not to fall. I shouldn't have looked up because my heel lost its balance on the last step and i began to fall forwards. Just as i thought i would hit the hard ground i hit arms instead.

"I got you." Heat rushed through me as Azriel steadied me on the ground and let his arms drop back to his sides after i was stable. I didn't want him to let go as i looked up into his eyes and fought the urge to crush my mouth against his. "You look amazing." He noted raking his eyes up and down my figure, i felt the blush come back stronger this time.

"Shall we go now." Cassian complained. He must be here to help with the flying of people up to the house. Mor moved in front of Cassian and climbed into his arms. Feyre made wings appear from behind her. As Amren reluctantly climbed into Rhy's arms. Azriel held his arms out open for me i understood i would be traveling with him. I swallowed the lump in my throat and climbed into his arms trying to get my core temperature under control. It felt so safe in his arms as he winnowed us into the sky and we started falling. I gripped to his suit jacket tighter not wanting to free fall to my death.

"I won't hurt you L." He said into my ear and his breath tickled my neck. I stifled the moan that threatened to escape my lips from having him so close. We touched down i instantly had to put space between us. Feyre called out to me from inside and i followed the call grateful to have a reprieve from his sent in my nose. I nodded to Azriel as i went to move inside. This was going to be a long night.

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