∆ Your Death ∆

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Be warned: it is probably sad.


Your legs ached for rest and you were almost completely out of breath. But you couldn't stop running--he would catch you. You heard his heavy boots slide around a corner of the Maze as he angrily called your name.

Gally had never acted like he was before then and it scared you. He had become so violent to the point where he almost hit you only a few days prior.

The reason he chased you at that moment was because you wanted to go with Thomas to escape the Maze. You needed to escape the Maze. It would have driven you insane to stay any longer and yet Gally refused to let you go. You had attempted fighting him back, but he locked you in the Slammer. You had finally managed to escape though and through much screaming and chasing you had entered the Maze and began running.

You turned another sharp corner, following the dirty footprints of the mob of Gladers that had passed through earlier.

"(Y/N), stop!" Gally yelled with so much rage, you almost collapsed just to cry.

As you continued to run, your foot caught on a vine and you tumbled to the ground, rolling a few feet. As quick as you could, you tried standing up before Gally could get to you, but his boot made contact with your stomach and you fell up against the wall. He stared down at you with his fists clenched into tight balls and his chest heaving for air.

"We are going back to the Glade...now." He spat through heavy breaths. He then bent over to pick you up and swung you over his shoulder.

You kicked and screamed and pounded on his back, but he wasn't phased. Eventually though, he got fed up and threw you to the ground. You cried in pain and backed away from him.

"Stop!" He yelled. "Can't you see that I'm trying to protect you?"

In that moment, you were filled with more anger than you ever thought you could have. Your teeth ground against one another and you looked up at him. You stood up quickly and slammed him into the far wall. He groaned in pain and looked at you with shock.

You raised your hand to slap him, but he stopped you. "(Y/N), what are you doing?" He asked in a much kinder voice than he had previously been using.

"You deserve death! I hate you!" You screamed and ran off with tears pooling in your eyes.

"Wait, I didn't mean to hurt you! I just want you safe!" He called.

At that point, you couldn't do anything anymore. You fell to the ground and covered your face with your hands, crying and shaking violently. Gally came to a stop in front of you and kneeled. He tried pulling you into his warm embrace, but you shoved him away.

"I-I'm so sorry...please forgive me and come back to the Glade. I can protect you there." He whispered calmly.

"You don't get it! I'd rather live a life of peace without you than live in hell with you!"

He was shocked and shook his head as if trying to forget what you had just said.

"No, no you don't mean that. C'mon." He grabbed your arm and lifted softly. You snatched your arm away and stood up.

"Gally..." You said in a softer and more agitated tone. "I want to be free. I need to be free. I don't need you to protect me all the time. I can handle myself."

You began running again in more of jog than a sprint and dared not to look back. As you ran further, you saw something shiny off in the distance. And then, that oh-so-familiar whirring and clicking noise echoed in the Maze.

"Oh, please no." You begged anybody. Probably the Creators.

The Griever hunted around nonchalantly until it saw you. It immediately ran right for you and you hurried off as quick as possible. You weren't fast enough though and the monster's tail gripped you and pulled you back. It sank it's razor-sharp teeth deep into your skin and dropped you. Much to your surprise, the Griever scurried off as if it had a greater purpose somewhere else. You lay on the cold, dirty floor of the Maze in more pain than was comprehendible.

Your body went numb and you could feel darkness creeping up inside of you, consuming you in the cold. You then heard footsteps and a person sat behind you and cradled your head in his lap.

"Gally?" You questioned.

"I'm so, so sorry, (Y/N). I should have just let you go. I was so selfish." He whispered, his voice cracking.

"It's alright. You just wanted to protect me." You said with as much of a smile as you could muster.

You and he sat in comfortable silence before you said:

"Am I going to die?"

Gally choked on a sob and brushed your hair out of your face. "No...you're going to be free. Just like you wanted." He replied.

You smiled at the thought of everlasting peace. Somehow, amidst the coldness, you felt warm and fuzzy.

"Why did our last conversation have to be one of anger?" You asked with a frown.

Gally laughed lightly and kissed your forehead. "I'm not mad anymore."

"Neither am I."


"Good." You agreed. "And I didn't mean what I said earlier."

"What did you say?"

"That I hated you. I don't hate you, Gally. I love you. And even in death I will love you forever."

And with that, you inhaled for the last time and fell limp in the boy's arms. He hugged you close to his chest and cried bitterly.

"Please don't be gone. Please come back," he wept. When he was finally convinced that you were, in fact, dead--he lay you on the ground and said:

"I love you too, (Y/N). I always will. And I will kill the Griever that killed you."


Woop, there it is.

Idk if there will be another update today, so yeah XD. But I will say that I am feeling particularly inspired.

Stay beautiful <3

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