∆ Gally Imagine #7 ∆

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I FINALLY DID IT! Are you proud of me!? XD

This is for the beautiful @PrincessBunny_Lynn!


It hadn't been the best of days for you so far. The Keeper you worked with was not exactly the nicest Glader and you despised your job. Though you had finally finished all of your work, you were required to help Frypan in the kitchen. The boys seemed to think that you had the "magic touch" when it came to cooking. You thought otherwise, but agreed to help.

"Alright, Lynn. I'm going to need--" Frypan began before stopping dead in his tracks. You came from around the corner to see why he had stopped.

There, on the floor, lay the remains of the shelf that once held what little ingredients Fry had. You stifled a laugh by covering your mouth with your hand. Your day had suddenly become brighter.

"I'm gonna kill Chuck."

"How do you know it was Chuck?" You asked, trying desperately to hide the grin on your face.

"He's always taking food from the kitchen when I'm not lookin'! He must've climbed up there somehow and broken the shelf. Can you go get Gally or someone. This needs to be fixed." Frypan stood shaking his head and looking at the mess.

"No problem, Fry." You said and left, glad you now had an excuse to see your boyfriend. With a smile on your face, you approached the building area.

As you walked through the crowd of Builders, you heard a faint noise that resembled the voice of Gally. So, you chased it down. The closer you came to the noise, you realized it was Gally...and he was singing.

You had no clue what he was singing or humming (probably just something he made up) but it was hilarious. He wasn't very good, you noticed. You came to his shed that he used when he wanted to be alone and peered inside the window. Standing on the tips of your toes, you could see Gally swaying his hips to the beat of his made-up tune. You suppressed a giggle and watched in amusement as he continued to dance with himself. Every time he moved to grab something he would do so in a very fanciful way.

You decided that it was time for the madness to stop and walked into the shed, knocking on the wood frame. Gally dropped what he held and looked at you in surprise.

"Uh-ahem, uh, hey Lynn." He mumbled, turning beet red.

"You're so cute when you dance...and sing," you teased. A wide smile was plastered on your face.

Gally frowned at you and turned back to his work. You came up from behind him and wrapped your arms around his waist, leaning your head on his back. "Are you embarrassed?" You asked in an innocent way.

"Me? Never." He retorted, spinning around to hold you in his arms.

"I think you are," you whispered and reached up to kiss the tip of his nose.

"Nah," he chuckled and brought you close to his chest.

"I love you and your awesome dance moves," you mumbled into his shirt.

"I love you too ya little sneak."

"I didn't mean to catch you! Frypan needs you in the kitchen." You laughed.

"Nice excuse," Gally replied and released you from his embrace.

"C'mon, shank. Chuck broke his shelf."

He smiled and said, "of course he did. I'll be there in a minute, babe."

"Thank you, Captain." You quickly kissed his arm and ran off. You didn't leave yourself enough time to notice that Gally was happy to hear you call him 'captain'. Later that evening he showed you just how "happy" it made him. It ended up being a pretty good day after all.


If ya know what I mean
*wink* *wink*

Hope you liked it, Lynn! :D

See ya tomorrow, beautiful!

Gally Imagines and preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now