∆ Things You Do That Drive Him Mad ∆

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Mad...in a good way. Ya know?

You guys were so adorable on my last post :)

Ok, after this preference I'll be working on those two imagines that I NEED to get done :D


#1 thing you do that makes Gally crazy: Be feisty.


He loves it when you talk back to him or get mad. He thinks it's the hottest and most adorable thing ever. When you get in the feisty/sassy mood, he'll hug you and cover you in kisses until you start laughing.

#2 thing you do that makes him crazy: bite your bottom lip in concentration.


He thinks it makes you look sexy and he'll always mention that he wishes he were the one biting your lip. You just roll your eyes and shove him.

And #3 thing you do that drives him mad: cross your legs when you sit.


You wear short shorts. He likes your legs. Need I say more?


See ya in a few hours! (Hopefully)

Stay beautiful! <3

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