∆ Gally Imagine #6 ∆

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The picture is of the people who have made requests that I had to write down in order to remember, but I love you guys! And I will cherish these forever because it makes me feel like I know you for real! <3

This is for the beautiful, @AshtonFlinn!


Everyone loved you. Not only because you had softened the meanest Glader, Gally, but because you had convinced Alby for an annual holiday starting the month after you arrived. You called it: Taking A Day Off Day

[Pretty creative right?]

There wasn't one person who slept in or groaned and trudged to get breakfast before starting work--they all walked around happily, said 'hello' to each other, and some even made up games to play amongst themselves.

Games. You thought. In the month you'd been in the Glade, you never once imagined the Gladers having a "game day." But, it sounded fun. So, you approached your boyfriend when you found him and hugged him from behind, resting your head on his back.

"Gally," you cooed. He turned around and engulfed you in his own arms.

"What?" He asked, knowing you wanted something stupid that he wouldn't like.

"Wanna...play a game?" You asked innocently, staring up at him.

He smirked and wiggled his eyebrows. "What kind of game?"

"Like, tag or something." You laughed.

"That doesn't sound near as fun as the game I have in mind." He growled and kissed your forehead slowly.

"Stop that," you giggled and backed out of his arms. You then shoved his shoulder and ran off screaming:

"Tag, you're it!"

Gally wished he didn't want to run after you. He wished you couldn't control him with that cute little laugh of yours. But, some wishes don't come true. So, he ran after you with little hesitation. He was much faster than you had anticipated and you tried desperately to speed up. You weren't a Runner though...and for a good reason.

Gally tackled you to the ground and you ended up underneath him. He smiled down at you and kissed your lips, savoring his favorite taste. "Tag, you're it," he said once he had forced himself away from you.

"I don't like running," you panted and wrapped your arms around his neck.

"Well, it is Take A Day Off Day (thanks to you). We can do whatever we want." He chuckled.

"Then let's play your game."

"Good that, Ashton." Gally whispered huskily.

You pulled yourself up and kissed him quickly. "Show me how to play."


*laughs like a maniac*

Maybe this isn't what you had in mind, Ashton, but...I hope you like it ;)

Cause like,
Gally + Game Day = yes

Gally Imagines and preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now