∆ He Hits You ∆

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I know...I'm so sorry in advance :(

But it's a group of boys who don't know they shouldn't hit girls, so what would you expect?

This is based on the movie btw


The Glade was ruined. Thankfully, the Grievers were gone, but they had taken so many lives with them.

Gally had pulled you into the Box to keep you safe. And when the danger was gone, he hauled himself out of the Box, ignoring you. You could tell he wanted to murder Thomas, so you quickly followed him.

He approached Thomas and punched him without hesitation. Thomas fell into the crowd around him and Gally continued to pursue him.

"Gally, stop!" You yelled. He turned around shoved you to the ground.

"Don't tell me what to do!" He retorted.

You stood up and brushed the dirt off of your pants. "Just leave Thomas alone!" You spat.

Then, he did something you never thought he'd do. He punched you.

A metallic taste danced on your tongue and your vision grew blurry. You heard many other Gladers call your name. Then, you fell to the ground and stared up at the man who'd hit you. He just looked down at you, seeming to be extremely angry.

The rest of the night was a blur.


You woke up in your hammock and sat up, feeling dizzy immediately. You held your head and blinked away the dark spots in your eyes. Then, you remembered what had happened last night and you felt the bruise on your cheek.

How could he do this? You thought. Sure, he was mad at the moment, but you wouldn't think him capable of hitting you.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Newt asked from behind you.

"I...I don't know," you cried and buried you face in your hands. Newt placed a hand on your back to comfort you.

"He's in the Slammer if you want to see him," he said.

"Thanks," you sighed and he walked away.

You wanted to see Gally and at the same time, you didn't. But, you decided you would. So, you took your time in getting to the Slammer and nonchalantly walked past the cells, pretending you hadn't seen him.

"(Y/N)," Gally called sternly. You flinched at his tone and continued walking, even when all you wanted to do was talk to him.

"(Y/N), please! I'm so sorry."

You stopped and turned around, looking down at the cell he was in. He smiled weakly and you made no indication of returning it. You made your way toward him and sat cross-legged on the grass. He reached out to grab your hand you pulled away out of fear and anger.

"I'm so, so sorry." He whispered. "I never meant to hurt you, I wasn't myself last night...I was just so angry."

"I know," you replied quietly, never noticing the whimper in your voice until you spoke.

"Please forgive me," he tried to reach for your hand again and you let him hold it.

"Of course, I forgive you, Gally." You said, trying so hard to keep from crying. You leaned over and kissed his knuckles.

He brushed your chin with his thumb. "I love you, (Y/N), you know that. Right?" He said, staring into your eyes.

"Yes, and I love you, but I will never forget what you did. And if you do it again...you'll have to stay away from me." You replied.

"I will never hit you again." He said and squeezed your hand.



I'm sorry if this was a touchy subject for some of you. I never meant to offend you.

I promise that the next one will be happier XD

Love you, beautiful!

Gally Imagines and preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now