∆ Just Something Cute ∆

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But it's good (haha no) so read it.


It had only been a month since Teresa showed up and yet she had every boy in the Glade's attention. Sure, you had a boyfriend, but you had to admit that you liked the copious amount of attention that you used to receive. You were jealous of her. And you were scared that soon, Gally would fall for her just as every other slinthead had.

As you thought about this, you walked around the Glade, waiting for Gally to finish the last bit of work he needed to get done. You looked up to see Teresa headed towards the Builders and you immediately followed her. But you did so in a discreet way as to not let her know you were following.

She came up next to Gally and slid her hand down his arm. You are were filled with jealousy and rage.

"Hey," she said.

"Um, hi." Gally replied, looking weirdly at her. You smirked.

"Wanna see something?" She asked sweetly.

"Not really," he said.

"I think you'd really like what I have to show you," she whispered and stood on the tips of her toes to kiss his cheek.

You were infuriated by this and resisted the urge to rip her in half. Gally shot her a look of disbelief.

"What the shuck did you do that for?" He asked, stopping what he was doing to give her his undivided attention.

"I don't know," Teresa giggled.

"Well don't do it ever again. I'm with (Y/N) and you know that."

"Well she doesn't have to know if we do anything,"

Gally looked at her and almost seemed to consider the idea. This brought bitter tears to your eyes and you quickly walked away to swing in your hammock...alone.

Not a few minutes after, Gally came looking for you. When he found you he kneeled beside of you.

"Hey babe, I'm done for the day." He said and kissed your forehead. You turned away from him, forcing your tears to keep from falling.

"(Y/N), what's wrong?" He asked, becoming extremely serious.

"I saw what happened with Teresa." You muttered.

"Nothing happened," he said. "I told her to get the suck away."

"Why? She's way prettier than me." You stated simply. You had held this thought in for quite some time now, but never vocalized it until then.

"What? Are you kidding me?" Exclaimed Gally. "(Y/N), you are the most beautiful and kind girl I have ever met. You are perfect to me in every way. Don't you ever say that she's prettier than you, ya hear me?"

You turned back around and smiled at him. If Gally thought you were beautiful, who cared what other attention Teresa got that you didn't. "Fine," you sighed jokingly.

He chuckled and pressed a soft kiss to your lips. "I love you so much," he mumbled before deepening the kiss to one of passion and true affection.


Goodnight, beautiful!

Listen to Gally: "Don't you ever say that she's prettier than you.."

Gally Imagines and preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now