Chapter 4

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Hey guys. So i'm back from China, and boy was that a killer to my brains, and my health. Never again will i go there. I mean, their floor toilets are scary and i have no idea how to use them. It's witchcracft i tell you. WITCHCRAFT!!!!

Ahem, well this chapter will be a bit boring. Yeah, i said it since i have no idea how to proceed right now. Buuuuuuut, i will figure it out. So enjoy, or hate it. I don't care :D

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Chapter 4

(Sky/Alan's POV)

“I think you should wear this on your date.”

I looked up, still in the world of the book i'm reading and gaped at the outfit Lydia picked out for me. She wiggled her eyebrows at me, holding the two pieces of clothing in both of her hands. “Oh no. That's not going to happen.”

Lydia frowned. “And why not?”

“Because I don't people staring at me, wondering if i'm some male prostitute or something,” I answered back with a blush on my face.

“Don't say that. You'll look sexy, edible, and every guy will be drooling all over for you, whether they are gay, straight, married, with someone, or not.”

I shook my head. “No means no. You know how I hate being the center of attention.”

Lydia's frown softened as she lowered the two articles of clothing. “Oh yeah. Sorry about that. I just wanted you to have fun and keep your man in check. No wandering eyes for him, except on and all over you.”

“Gah! Don't say that!” I cried, blushing as I grabbed my pillow and buried my face in the soft, fluffiness. The thought of Jack staring at me in..... THAT way made me want to crawl into my blankets and die of embarrassment. I've seen a lot of people give me those looks before, but never have I dated someone who would give me those same looks. And the funny thing is, i'm.....excited about the date, about finally and completely moving on with my love life. And if this really works, then i'll have a man I can maybe, open up to.

Lydia rummaged through my closet and made a bunch of unapproving sounds until she finally gasped and tore the pieces of clothing out of the rack to show to me. “What about this?”

I glanced up from my pillowed and nodded in approval. “Wow, you really know how to work with my clothes, don't you?”

Lydia smiled and threw the clothes next to me on the bed. “Well come on, go take a shower and put these on. I'll go style your hair and pick out the rest of what you need to be perfect on your date.” She grabbed me by the arm and pulled me off the bed, then pushed my stumbling self into the bathroom and slammed the door shut. “Use the white citrus scents for body wash and shampoo!”

I sighed and took off my clothes, stripping all the way down. I hopped into the shower and scrubbed myself nice and clean, but when I passed a scar, the confidence that I mustered for the date slowly dimmed. I lifted my arm and stared at the cigarette burns and small cuts that dotted my arms, remembered my bruised and ravaged wrists from when I was cuffed to a bed by two mad men who 'loved' me.

I grew colder, goosebumps covering my pale skin. I turned up the heat to make myself feel warm again, but it wasn't a physical cold, but a more mental and emotional cold that can't be warmed from a mere temperature rise of water. So I did what I always did before my nightmares came to grab hold of my mental state and calmed down. I thought about what i've achieved, who I have with me now, my life which I have built with my own two hands. I thought about the friends I have now and the happy future i'm fighting to have. All of these thoughts fought off the painful memories and left me to a sense of calm once again.

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