Cereal (prompt)

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This is for HP_Always_THG 's Hunger Games award,this is my prompt.

"Mummy?" asks Cassie,

"Yeah sweetie " I answer,

"How did you meet Daddy "  she asks.

"Well" I start...

"Milk,eggs,chocolate..." I read
The only thing left was cereal.

I walked down to the cereal aisle and looked for our favorite ones, crunchy nuts cornflakes, the ones I was ordered to take.

However as I looked for them I realised they sat on the top shelf,just out of my reach.

I was sent shopping because everyone else had already gone.

Everyone except Johanna and I, and of course there had to be some kind of 'fun' bet which left me to arm wrestle against her.

I was winning but she managed to pin my arm down when I saw Katniss eating my food which broke my concentration and left me to go buy the tons of food we consumed after yelling at Katniss.

Johanna even added extra things to the already long list just to annoy me.

I stared at the top shelf,thinking of ways to reach it.

I could ask an employee but there was just no way.

Annie’s husband Finnick worked there and he would never stop bugging me about it until it reached Johanna’s ears and then hell would break loose.

That left me with two options.

To climb or to jump.

I couldn't climb because obviously there was food.

So jumping it was.

I pushed away my cart and hopped trying to reach it, yet failed miserably.

There was no way I was going to ask for help,I was perfectly capable of doing it.

I took a second try and leaped upwards trying to reach the cereals,my hand grazed the box but the only thing it did was knock it backwards.

Great,just great! 

Jumping hadn’t worked out and who cared if Johanna didn't have her very special cereal!
She could have some more obtainable cereal or she could buy it herself.

I reached towards a pink carton box and thought they would be okay.

“Unicorn fruit loops” I read and shrugged  that would teach her, but that would mean I’d have to eat them too …

Nevermind, I was getting the cereal!

Jumping hadn’t worked out and there was still no way I would ask for help.

“Ughhh” I groaned, if Katniss hadn’t eaten my croissant I would be chilling on the sofa and Johanna would be there trying to work out if the humiliation was worth the cereal.

Maybe if I found something to stand on,like those weird rolling stools I would be able to reach them .

I looked around the supermarket trying to find a stool and just my luck I didn't find any.

Maybe if I used some cans?

I headed over to the drink section and picked up a huge pack of 10 cans.

That should do it.

I walked back down to the cereal aisle determined to get it and  dropped them in front of the cereal.

Game on cereal,game on.

I stepped on them,standing on my tip toes and reached up towards the cereal.

It stood inches away.

Damn it!

Maybe if I jumped?

I gathered my strength and leapt off the makeshift stool but just as I pushed off the cans my foot slipped and I tumbled to the floor with a loud thud.

I landed on my tailbone and winced at the pain.

“Johanna, you will pay for this!” I growled .

I staggered back up, a deep frown on my face as I heared footsteps approaching.

The footsteps came to a stop as a tall blonde boy about my age stepped into the aisle.

He had bright blue eyes,sharp cheekbones and a wide smirk as he saw me and the cans scattered on the floor.

A loud laugh escaped his lips and I crossed my arms glaring daggers at him.

Eventually he gathered himself and wheezed “Need help pipsqueak ? ”

My eyes widened ,what had he  called me?!

“I’m fine Goliat” I snapped.

“You don’t look it” he smirked,  
I crossed my arms, waiting for him to leave.

He took a few steps towards me and stopped.
My breath hitched at his muscular frame.

He turned away from me and reached for the cereal.

If he thought he could just walk away with it then he was completely wrong.
He took it and turned to me, handing it .

He smirked seeing my wide eyes and open mouth,why was he helping me?

“Here “ he said, giving it to me “Along with my number “ he added pulling out a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket .

I smiled,happy to have the cereal.

“You carry your number everywhere? ?” I snorted.

“Yeah” he confirmed not the tiniest bit ashamed.

“Why” I asked confused

“To give to girls” he stated proudly as I let out a small laugh.

“Glad you noticed that” I wheezed.

“I only give it to hot girls though” he smirked as I gave him an eye roll.
I laughed at his laid back attitude and the fact that he thought he needed to go out giving his number to strangers to get a girl but I still felt glad to be clutching the small piece of paper.

Suddenly an employee walked by,dressed head to toe in red and let out an exasperated sigh as he passed by “There you are Cato”.

He stopped when he saw me and laughed.

“Hi Clove” he laughed giving me one of his weird looks.

He whispered something in Cato’s ear making him scratch his neck awkwardly.
He then grabbed Finnick’s arm and dragged him away calling over his shoulder “Call me."

"And so you did" states Cassie as I nod.

"And now auntie Jo teases you any time she see you two" she laughs

I nod again.

"And I wouldn't trade it for the world " I added cheasily..

AN: Don't forget to give me your thoughts in the comments.
I hope you enjoyed :)

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