Operation Clato

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AN: A part 2 to Operation Everlark

Katniss' POV:
"Don't worry it will work out" states Clove, wrapping  an arm around my shoulders.
We're headed to the park ,where Cato and Peeta will be joining us.
So that Peeta and I can realise our feelings for each other.
At least that’s what we told Cato and Clove.

The true plan goes like this:
1) They think they need to leave us alone so they’ll find a way to leave.
2) They’ll hide so they can watch us,so probably a kind of bush,meaning they’ll be squashed together.
3) And we cross our fingers and hope something happens.

I don’t know why everyone says that Johanna is the queen of this cause I’m clearly better.

"Hey look, the guys are here" says Clove pointing to the other side of the Park.
I stride forwards smirking at Peeta who wears a smug smile and laughing Clove jogs behind.
We talk for a while before I spot an ice cream truck.

 "There's ice-cream" I yell, sprinting towards the truck.

We all grab out ice creams and walk towards a big hill.
We then plop down on the floor and start to eat them.
Peeta and I sit next to each other a fair distance between us,because we need to make this believable or whatever,I pout but Peeta smiles at me shaking his head..

We play a few rounds of truth or dare, some simple and easy, others more memorable.
Like when I dared Cato to go hug a stranger or when Clove dared Peeta and I hold hands until we were dared.
Clearly neither of us minded but they were laughing at us and kept asking questions between themselves.
They were quite cute laughing at us.
Cato then dared Clove to run through a nearby fountain.
She got up and ran straight through it with a shriek.
She ran back up shivering.

Cato suddenly  starts coughing excessively loudy.

Seriously you could at least make your signal a little more subtle cause I’m pretty sure the whole park heard you!
Clove’s eyes flare open and she starts pulling at her wet hair.

"My bracelet! Cato it's gone!" she shrieks, almost laughing.
Cato's face twists to worry, he jumps up and starts  rummaging through our stuff.
Did he not know that Clove didn’t put it on today,gosh your signal has absolutely no subtlety to it and you don’t know the evacuation plan,they’re worse at this than Fannie.

"We should look near the fountain," laughs Clove as they both run down.
They leave and we immediately start laughing!

“They’re terrible at this” I giggle as I go sit next to Peeta resting my head on his shoulder.

“I hope we’re more subtle” he wraps his arm around my shoulders as I snuggle closer to him.

“They’re too oblivious to notice anything” I laugh.

We see them go down to the fountain and then run back up about half way hiding in a tiny bush.
So small we can clearly see they’re faces,good thing they’re both too entranced with each other.
The bush is tiny and Cato takes up all the place with his huge fraim leaving Clove squished to his stomach.

"Hey" says Clove
I turn to Peeta excited!

“We can hear them” he tries an attempt at a smirk.
He looks terrible like someone just twisted his whole face.
He looks crazy as I clutch my ribs laughing!

“What” he pouts

“You look crazy!” 

“Well you look adorable” he compliments as I frown.

“I can’t insult you if you’re nice to me” I pout

“That’s the point,” he laughs, hugging me.
I pull away still pouting as he laughs.

“Are they watching?” I ask, nodding my head towards the bush.
He slips a glance towards it and nodds back,tempevely going to hold my hand as I smile shyly.

“Are they now?” he asks

“No” I answer

“Cato looks mad, slash disappointed and Clove looks confused” I sigh.

“You want to get closer don’t you” he asks, seeing the attempted smirk on my face.
I nod.

“Fine lets go” he laughs helpîng me up.

“There is a bench next to their bush” he offers.

“Too obvious” 

“The tree behind it” I ask

“Umm...I “ he looks around trying to find another option.

“I’ll help you,come on” I say, pulling him along.
We run down to the tree and I help Peeta climb up.
Showing where to his feet and how to pull himself up,finally after about 10 minutes we’re both sitting comfortably on the tree.
This is the perfect spot,right in front of them!
I beam at the sight of the happy couple just as Cato starts. 

'' Well I tried Clove but I can't, OK, I can't ! '' he yells throwing his hands up in the air.
I’d never seen Cato this desperate before.

'' What do you mean? '' asks Clove, confused.

'' I like you Clove.
I've liked you since then and when you speak of our friendship it kills me and all our friends are together and it pains me to see what I can't have with you. 
I'm sorry Clove but I like you'' I turn to Peeta grinning like a Cheshire cat.
There’s a moment of silence and leaning forwards I nearly topple over but Peeta pulls me back stifling a laugh as I stick my tongue out at him.

''Cato it's okay, don't worry.
I spoke about our friendship so enthusiastically because,well, it was a way to be closer to you.
You're an amazing person and I really like you but obviously I said no before we were 7 Cato and I had no idea what it meant'' she responds grinning

''wait so you like me?'' he says spectically 

'' yes ''  

I bite my lip trying to contain my excitement.
He pulls her close,wrapping his arms around her.
He leans in and she closes her eyes letting out a shaky breath,she doesn’t move and rests her head on his shoulder with a sigh.

Cato’s face is priceless!
He looks like a kicked puppy but as she looks up at him he puts on a bright smile.

"HA " screams a loud voice. 

“No” I yell jumping down from the tree,she did not!
Peeta runs after me.

"Johanna" screams Clove ,jumping up and out of the bush which Johanna steps out of too.
Cato is still sitting on the ground confused but Johanna just points at him laughing at his disappointed face. 

“She stood you up” she yells laughing and clutches her stomach as I smile, shaking my head,Peeta’s hand slipping into mine.

“And you can hide and spy but the master always wins” she states,wiping the green paint from her face,making me snort.

" Wait Katniss and Peeta '' exclaims Clove.

"Looking for someone" I ask

'' Katniss'' she shrieks, turning around to see us straight behind her,jumping in surprise. 

"Oh and we're dating, " says Peeta, holding up our intertwined hands. 

"So are we " says Cato as he pulls Clove's hand.

"what " she aks shocked

"we're dating babe did I forget to tell you " he asks amused 
She nods still shocked.

"Oops" he shrugs as he drags her away following Johanna who is marching back to her car.

I turn at Peeta and high five!
“Another successful mission” 
“Now we just need to find someone for Johanna” I laugh heading towards the parking where the others are waiting for us.

AN: Don't forget to give me your thoughts in the comments.
Hope you enjoyed :)

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