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AN: This chapter is dedicated to Everlarck-4-life who was so nice to me when I was away. Always asking when I came back. You're such I great friend and although this isn't my best work, I'm dedicating this to you to show you how much I appreciate you

Glimmers POV:
"God Clove come out ! " I groan my head slamming my head against the wall as Jo laughs earning a pointed look.

"Come on honey,I'm sure you look amazing" says Annie as Kat groans.

Clove then swings the door open looking frustrated.
She stands annoyed as if this was the last place she wanted to be, causing me to laugh at the sour expression on her face and teasingly say

"So not this one?"

She stands on the raised platform uncomfortably and groaning,a sour expression on her face. 

I belive fashion is an art which reflexes on personality and lifestyle and a wedding dress should be the dream dress of every bride,but Clove looks so unhappy, like she might murder someone as she stood in the strangest dress I had every seen.

It has a white mental breastplate covered in rosy lace, which connects to fishnets covering her entire midsection little beads adorning each crossing, thinker lace with a creamy white background covering her waist connecting to a huge layered skirt,bigger than I had ever seen.
Along with that the sails lady had forced Clove into a veil, which is a sort of intricate crown which hangs on her head lousely, way too big for her, falling clumsily to the floor blending in with the horrid layered fabric.

However the dress isn’t the worst bit, Clove is wearing metallic silky white gloves which don't cover her fingers. 
The gloves aren't that bad,I think,but that looks to be the thing bothering Clove, she doesn’t seem to mind being strapped into this torture device but she’s flexing her fingers uncomfortable in the gloves.

So naturally as the good friends we are we all burst out laughing especially Jo who had picked out this dress as a joke to annoy Clove.
Jo looks up from her phone cackling hysterically. Clove charges at her before tripping on the excessive fabric and falling face flat on the floor with a grunt.

We all stop  laughing as Clove wheezes "Help."

Johanna and I run forward lifting her up as she dusts off that monstrosity of a dress , she then slappss Johanna so hard but she just pouts.
We all laugh, Clove finally joining in before half yelling "wait till you get married dumby I'll make sure your dress looks ten times worse" accusingly pointing a finger dangerously close to Jo's face. 

We then all turn our heads to Finch and Katniss who are cracking up holding Annie's phone, who smiles sheepishly, and giggles.

"Smile for the camera" laughs Finch between breaths.

"Wait till I send this to Cato," laughs Katniss as Clove lunges at her, ripping the dress as I smile.

Katniss looks up at Clove struggling against the dress and reads aloud as she types:

"Looking forwards to your wedding, 
Clove can't wait
Just finished picking the dress, which she just tore btw. 
You're such a cute couple. 
Bye "


Marvel's POV:

I'm at Cato's house,hanging out with the guys,when suddenly I see Peeta slapping Cato's phone out of his hands.

“What the hell Peeta" exclaims Cato enraged.

"You can't look at the text" he replies looking at his feet.

"Peeta's right" suddenly exclaims Finnick as I look at him confused.

"And could you please exclaim why not" asks Cato,crossing his arms.

"Um well Annie texted me and told me that you couldn't look at  Katniss' text" he answers

"And why not" he exclaims 

"It's umm Clove...she's umm" stutters Peeta

"Omg is she okay? " I ask cluelessly.
I know if Clove got hurt,Cato would go ballistic and so maybe the guys are trying to stop that.

"Ok that's it I'm looking at it"  he states lunging at Peeta and  grabbing his phone as we all crowd around him to see what Katniss sent.

Looking forward to your wedding
Clove can't wait
Just finished picking out the dress which she just tore btw
You're such a cute couple 
Bye ,it says but there's a video attached.

The scene opens on a shot of Katniss' boots and a shaky camera but then it shows Clove stumbling out of the dressing room in the most horrible dress ever.
Finnick and I start laughing loudly,same as the girls in the video but Peeta just tells us to be quiet as Cato gasps loudly, his mouth hanging open.

He presses pause as he turns to us a shocked expression on his face as he wheezes "She's wearing white" clearly confused.
Of all the things wrong with that thing ,he’s complaining about the colour.

"Um Cato,I think wedding dresses are supposed to be white" states Finnick as we all burst out laughing.

"Wanna finish the video or not" he growls, making us laugh again, as we all peer above his shoulders as he sits on the sofa.

Clove stands groaning on a pedestal stretching her fingers.

"She's in that dress,and the gloves are the problem" I cackle loudly as Cato glares at me annoyed as Finnick whispers "Gosh they both have priority issues."
making Peeta laugh.

"If they ever have kids I bet they'll be named after their favorite  weapons' ' whispers Peeta in a barely audible voice as Finnick and I laugh loudly clutching our stomachs almost falling off the sofa.

Cato just glares at us "I thought you wanted to watch the video" he states,pressing play.

We then see Jo laughing loudly as she clearly picked out this dress.
Clove sees this and charges at her but she stepps on the extra fabric ,tearing the ugly contraption .
The dress tears but she steps on it and plummets head first onto the floor and due to the enormous amounts of fabric she can't get up and for a moment,she stays sprawled on the floor as the girls abruptly stop laughing.

I turn to watch Cato as his knuckles are starting to turn white from gripping the phone so hard.

"How about I hold the phone?" asks Peeta gently,swiftly pulling it from Cato's grasp as he balls them into  fits.

“Help” wheezes Clove as Johanna and Glimmer run to her ,Cato turning extremely red, as she stumbles forwards,Glim and Johanna holding her tightly as she hastily threatens Johanna, even slapping her in the face,causing to  Cato smile broadly.

Peeta then whispers under his breath" Their love is twisted" .

Clove then looks at the camera just as Finch says "smile for the camera,” Katniss and Annie giggling close by.
Clove rushes towards the camera but the video stops.

"Wow that was something" I state amused

"I don't get why I couldn't just watch it"  groans Cato "Also Clove would never in a million years wear that"

"I mean it was pretty bad"  states Finnick "Even Annie couldn't pull that off" he adds as we all glare at him.

"What's that supposed to mean" growls Cato.

"Nothing,nothing" recoils Fin as we all smile.

Peeta then looks up from his phone telling us the girls are coming soon and that we should probably start making lunch. 

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