Hit me

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"Hit me," she said, extending her arm out to him.
"No!" he exclaimed undignified.
She rolled her eyes "why not?"
"Because I don't want to," he answered!

Cato,Glimmer and Clove stood near the threshold of the classroom,chatting.
They were in the middle of a two hour english class and were ecstatic to have a break.

Near the threshold there was a small wall,about a meter high that separated the entryway from the rest of the classroom,creating something similar to a corridor which you needed to pass through to get to the classroom.

Clove and Glimmer stood behind the small wall leaning forwards over it.

They did this at every break.
They enjoyed seeing the madness that always happened at break.

Clove and Glimmer were very close friends although they were quite different but they both enjoyed casually talking while watching their classmates destroy the classroom.

There had been some pretty weird things that had happened at break.

Once Marvel and Cato tore off the teachers huge world map from the wall.
She wasn't really happy about that but laughter boomed from the class.

Another time Marvel had brought a courgette to class but Finch and Johanna had accidently broken it in half.

Finch paraded it across the classroom yelling something along the lines of "the zucchini's mating ritual."
It was priceless really.

People chimed in and soon enough the class broke into a huge argument about the mating rituals of a vegetable.
Marvel and Finch of course leading the two biggest parties.

English class was something else and the class was like a big family.

They had their customs and traditions.

For example on mondays they had history,the class knew to shut up and let Clove speak.

She had a way of twisting words to her advantage,she could convince anyone.
She was on the debate team and was clearly the best at it,even the teachers couldn't win an argument with her which is how she never got detention.

Their english class was a huge mess but they were like family.
A big happy family.
There were groups in the class and they often hung out in twos or threes.

Even the gang had small groups within itself.

Cato and Marvel often participate in creating the chaos which Clove and Glimmer enjoyed watching while Annie offen just laughed at whatever crazy thing Finch wanted to do.

Today was a little different.

Marvel and Finch were flirting on the other side of the classroom as Annie watched them smiling.

Cato,Glimmer and Clove were talking.

Glimmer and Clove behind the wall and Cato sitting on the table in front of them.

They were talking casually although Clove was happy because she usually only stayed with Glimmer at break and was happy to be hanging out with Cato.

They were chilling when Cato rested his hand on Glimmer's arm.
Well that's what he would have said but the truth is that he hit her,hard!

Glimmer shrieked and started complaining as she withered in pain.
To her defense you could see the mark of Cato's hand perfectly on her arm.

Clove and Cato both laughed as Glimmer glared at them.
They were deep in conversation but her whining could be heard from miles away.

Clove turned to her friend,annoyed and asked her to stop whining but Glimmer complained and complained about how he hurt her and how he didn't know his own strength.
Cato laughed at this but Clove was getting annoyed at her friends whining.

"Hit me," she said, extending her arm out to him.

"No!" he exclaimed undignified.

She rolled her eyes "why not?"

"Because I don't want to," he answered!

"Why not?" she asked again while rolling up her sleeve.

"Ugh fine" he groaned

He brought his hand up and brought it down at a surprising speed but stopped inches away from her arm and gave her a gentle slap.

"See that didn't hurt" exclaimed Clove as she turned to her friend.

"He slowed down" she grumbled

"Fine do it again" she said turning back to Cato

"Do I have to" he whined

"Yes" she answered blatantly

And so he hit her again,doing the exact same thing,maybe with a little more force but that was it.
Every time he hit her Glimmer would state that he was slowing down.
By the end of it Glimmer's arm had returned to its fair completion while Clove's arm was now starting to turn pink.

"Ugh just hit me like you hit Glimmer so she'll stop whining" snapped Clove annoyed.

"He doesn't want to hurt you" cut in Glimmer.

Both girls turned to Cato who had a gentle blush on his cheeks.

"Is that true Cato? " asked Clove, leaning over the wall,closer to him.

"I umm I well you know umm how we've ehh spent a lot of-"

He was interrupted by Miss.Flanagan calling break over and Cato quickly jumped off the table going to his place beside Marvel.

Clove however stood frozen in shock, a slight blush beginning to creep up onto her cheeks.
If she was honest she wanted Cato to finish,she wanted to hear the words she'd dreamt about.
She was shook out of her trance by Glimmer slightly pushing her towards her seat.
She picked up to pace but Glimmer whispered "He has a soft spot for you" in her ear.

Hearing this she stopped dead in her tracks,smiling as she too had a soft spot for the violent blond boy who didn't seem to want to hurt her.

AN: I finally updated,I'm sorry for not posting in so long.
School was such a mess but it's the end of the school year soon so when school finishes you should get more frequent updates.

This was inspired by something that happened in English class.
Also the courgette thing,that actually happens,it was so fnny!
My friends,omg they're crazy and hilarious!
The guy who brough the courgette is now being called the courgette king,by everyone,even the teacher and she made him present two recipes using it!
We also convinced her to keep our half of the courgette in her class!
It was so funny!

I hope you enjoyed :)
Don't forget to comment and give me your opinions.

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