Armistice 1/2 (maybe 3)

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AN:I remmember saying I would post this on wednesday as a thank you to everyone who fought so bravely in the war but I just didn't have time.My teachers don't understand what a public holiday is about.I'm so sorry I didn't post ealier.

Writting this meens so much to me because this story would have taken place exactly were I live.
I live right at the border of France and Germany and at that time I would have been between no man's land and Germany.
If I would have been born in the 1900's I would have fought in the war and probably died so it meens so much that people fought to defend their country and did it so noblely.Were I live you can visit the trenchs really easily and it's fascinating and scary at the same time.When you drive to go the school you can see cimetaries for the perished soldiers.
Clove's and Cato's fathers were actual people who signed the armistice;Clove is French and Cato is german.
This really meens the world to me and I really hope you enjoy.

Cato's POV:
I remmember.
I remmember everything,I remmeber the smell,the pain,the horror,I remmember everything.

I'm Cato Erzberger,son of Matthias Erzberger,an important german politician.
I was born in 1900 and I was 14 during the first world war.

Me being 14 and just generally a male in conditions to fight ment that I was sent to the army.

I didn't really mind going to war at first,I thought it was a way of honoring my country.
I don't know what I was thinking,I was 14,I was just a dumb teenager.
If only I knew at time time what it would be like.

I served in the german army since the beginning in 1914 until the very end,well almost,I left the battelfield days before the end of the war.

If only I knew what I had gotten into.
War is scary and it's even scarier when you fight on the ground,in the trentches.

Life in the trenchs was horrible,it was muddy and cold and trench foot was very common.
Death was a common thing in the trenchs but it was still extremely horrifiying.

Seeing my friends die,seeing the blood,killing people and the stink of the dead bodies was excrusiating.
Being shot in the arm,the leg,seing people with there leg sitting next to them,while the blood openly spurted everywhere as their screams of agony could be heard from miles away.
Seeing thoses events practically everyday was taking a toll on everyone's mental health.
Those screams haunted my nightmares in the few hours of sleep I had.
The nightmare still haunt me,war is traumatising.
Screams were always being heard,they never stopped,sometimes the doctors came and took them away, maybe to die,maybe to send them home and die,I don't know but I never saw my old friend Brutus after his arm was viciously shot off.
Sometimes the people just died,the pain was unberrable and the blood loss killed easily.
Something the people screaming in agony were quite simply shot dead,there screams haunting the other soldiers and the soldier screaming was in terrible pain some people just shot them dead out of pity and mercy making there death quick and painless rather than slow and excrusiating.
Some of my friends left on patrol and never came back,some did come back and wished they hadn't.

Life was horrible,I wondered why I had volunteered myself,I was so young,I was so stupid.
And now the memories come to haunt me everyday and everynight.
Some times I wondered if it was even worth being alive.
I all ready knew we weren't going to win the war but I wondered how long until the officials realised that.
I wondered if my life was really worth living,the scars brought back memories of all my perished friends,of the physical and mental pain and I wondered why.

Why were we fighting,why was this all happening,couldn't the world just live in peace,why!

My life sucked so did everyone else's.
What did we do?
Nothing of course we fought and fought and killed,why,because that's what we were told to do in order to honor our country.

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