Where's Loberboy

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AN: This chapter is dedicated to both indiekisscs and @voldemortsnose thank you for voting on legit every chapter of this book,I really appreciate it.I wanted to give you each a chapter but I don't know the next time I will update so yeah...sorry.
Also should I start a book about why Clato is better than Glato or not?
Anyways hope you enjoy.

I quickly run to the cornucopia after Katniss,throwing a knife at her which just barely scars her eyebrow as she shoots an arrow at me which digs itself in my left shoulder.
I pull it out with a grunt,launching myself at her and tackling her to the floor.

She pathetically tries to fight me off,using all her energy but I strategically push my hands and knees to her body, clawing her to the floor and carefully placing my knife to her throat as she scowls angrily.

I smirk down at her and ask "where's Loverboy?" a psychotic look on my face enjoying the look of pure hatred on hers which then soffens leaving me confused as she asks “You’re right where’s loverboy?” an irritating smirk on her face as I cock my head at her confused.

“Well yeah you asked where loverboy was,you were with him last so I’m assuming you know where he is'' she sais smirking irritatingly as I slice her cheek clearly not enjoying her cheekiness but she continues after howling in pain “You asked where Loverboy was,so where is Cato?” she finally states.

I longly stare at her confused before realising what she means,I quickly punch her in the throat,rapidly wiping the tears brewing in my eyes while she spits and splutters.

“Peeta" I start "he really loved you.Foolish child,but you,it was all an act to get sponsors.
Well now that just proves how shallow you really are.
Acting for Peeta,crying out his name,did you really think we hadn't heard you.
It was all an act,you love Cato not Peeta” I start while gently caressing my blade to her face before looking down at her and answering “So that’s why he’s so obsessed with you.
Well I’ll have you know dear that you won’t ever be able to tell him.
Because you’ll be dead,simple really.” I smirk teasingly looking down at her confused face before menacing “Also he never loved you,oh and Peeta deserves better.”I finish while pressing the tiny blade to her throat drawing sprinkles of blood. 

Suddenly,I hear sounds coming from the bushes directly in front of the cornucopia,footsteps seem to be approaching at a drastically fast pace so digging my boots deeper into Katniss’ skin I quickly turn my head,my ponytail wiping at my neck as I hold my hand to Katniss’ throat my other hand pulling out a knife from my vest ready to throw it at the approaching tribute.

I'm about to throw the knife when I hear a desperate and frazzled scream along with loud footsteps "Clove!" I hear Cato scream desperately as he barges into the cornucopia,his face red ,dripping sweat as he catches his breath and looks at me relieved.

I look at him confused but he simply runs to me,falling to his knees and embrassing me into a tight hug as he breathes in the smell of fresh blood from my hair.

"Clove,are you okay?" he asks worriedly, looking deeply into my eyes "You scared me to death,I was so scared I had lost you?"

"Cato what's wrong I'm okay don't worry '' I say slowly,resting my head on his shoulder and he breathes heavily.

"I was so worried about you,I thought..." he says looking down pulling me to him ,to the point that I can barely breathe anymore.

"I thought I had lost you" he whispers in my ear 

"Cato,can't breath "I wheeze as he loosens his grip on me,letting out a breathless sigh,as he strokes my hair.

A good five minutes later when Cato has calmed down I look at him and ask "Cato,why did you come?" as he looks at me surprised "Clove I told already told you,you called me" he answers leaving me confused.

Then it clicks "Ohhhhh"I say then groan as Cato and Katniss look at me confused.
"You idiot I've never called you that before,I was talking about Peeta" I laugh as Cato looks at me sternly "You like Peeta,I'll kill him!" exclames Cato jumping up as I roll my eyes at him laughing,"No Cato ,Loverboy is the nickname we gave to Peeta cause he said he liked Katniss on live TV,pathetic right" I laugh as Cato calms down.
"Oh shit,well I guess I'll go back to my hiding place then" sais Cato walking away before turning back and saying "but I'm still killing Peeta".

"Umm guys I'm still here you know,would you mind getting off of me,you're getting kinda heavy" says Katniss breathless as we both turn back to her.
I pull out another knife ,grinning wickedly before threatening "Oh,I was just getting started with you" and plunging the small blade into her heart as her eyes roll back and her body goes limp.

"Well" I say getting off Katniss and wiping the blood off my hands,skipping back to Cato,then looking at him and flicking him painfully.

"Oww" he groans "What was that for? " he asks as I laugh "Idiot".

"Well would an idiot do this" he sais grabbing my arms,spinning me around and kissing me forcefully as my body goes rigid in shock before he pulls away and smirks.

"Still an idiot Cato" I tease "You're no better than Peeta.You just admitted your undying love and adoration for me on live TV loverboy" I laugh as he shrugs and says "Oops" grabbing our backpacks then heading to the woods so Cato can kill Peeta.

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