Secret Santa (1/3)

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AN: So this is part 2 of secret santa,I didn't really have any ideas of what I should post today so I figured I could just continue this story.
I know it's supposed to be a oneshot so one part but I don't know how to make it short so yeah I have a problem and I need serious help.
Anyways I hope you enjoy and the third part will be out sometime,I don't know when yet.

Clato Christmas Story 3/4

Clove’s POV:

I wake up laying on my bed in the same clothes I wore yesterday,the smell of alcohol unbearable early in the morning. 

I hear the shower running and Jo muttering to herself from the kitchen.
But when I open my eyes I see Katniss’ face mere centimetres from mine.
I slap her hard as a scream escapes my lips and Finnick comes running into our dorm.
He looks frantic and and is only wearing an aqua pair of shorts,his hair is completely messy.

He looks around frantically before Katniss ,rubbing her cheek and says “Don’t worry Finnick Annie’s fine,I just pranked grouchy over here” she says addressing me.

“Wait, did you wake her up,how we woke up Peeta?” he asks, smiling as I shut my eyes and pull the cover back on myself wanting to go back to sleep.
“Yeah,it was hilarious” she responds clutching her ribs laughing maniacally as Finnick frowns at her and pouts “You should have waited for me”.

“Hey Finn” says Annie as she goes to kiss her boyfriend,after five minutes of them talking painfully loud the other guys come.

By this point I’ve been forced to get up,I’ve showered and finally changed clothes,I think I look pretty decent though I’m pretty sure everyone else would disagree.

I go to the kitchen to grab some warm coffee as the guys stroll in.
Peeta looks the best, his hair looking commed and generally looking put together.
Marvel looks tired but happy and has a big grin plastered across his face.
However Cato looks absolutely terrible just like me .
He has a bruised up face,he looks tired and hung over and walks in straight to the kitchen to get a coffee.
Jo glares at his back as he walks over to me and grabs his coffee.

I walk back to the main area as Annie looks at me and her expression contorts into horror at the sight of me.
She quickly grabs my wrist before muttering something to herself and pulling me into the bathroom.
She pushes me down into a chair and I just let her do whatever she wants,I don’t have the energy.
Annie finishes my makeup and we walk back into the dorm just as everyone is leaving,so I ask “Wait where are you all going?

“The mall” answers Peeta happily,”Oh shit,do I have to go?” I groan.
“Yeah do we have to” complains Marvel,”Can’t we go another time” groans Cato “I’m staying” says Jo as she plopps down on her bed.
“We’re going to get the secret santa gifts,look i don’t know what the four of you did last night but it's the only time we’re all free so we’re going even though I would much rather stay here and watch Harry Potter for the 100 000 000’s time” says Katniss while fiddling with her orange backpack.
“But Cato,Marvel,Jo and I can go another time” I whine as I crawl back into bed and close my eyes again.
“We’ll grab Starbucks on the way” encourages Finnick.
At the word Starbucks I open my eyes and quickly looked up but to my surprise I hit my head against something,Cato’s forehead.

Turns out Cato had tried to do the Kat and Finn prank,but I got up too quickly and hit his forhead.
He's now playfully glaring at me as I smile back at him.

I get up and quickly run out the door and to the lift eager to get Starbucks.

I don’t feel like writing the car ride or starbucks so I’m just gonna start at when they’re exiting starbucks.

I walk out of starbucks finally awake with my coffee still in hand as I watch my friends leaving to go buy the presents.
Kat and Jo leave towards the sports area,Peeta and Marvel are heading to the food court,Finnick is heading to Claires and Annie is heading towards Tiger.

Cato and I are still waiting at Starbucks so I decide to ask him about last night because I remember us talking,Jo leaving and that’s pretty much it.
“So umm I don’t really remember anything about yesterday,I just woke up today hungover so do you remember anything?” I ask him as I tilt my head to the side in a questioning way.
“No I don’t really remember anything,just a few bits and pieces,I remember you daring Marvel to take a few shots and kiss Glimmer,I remember us talking and I remember Jo wanting to beat my head in for some reason” he chuckles.
“That does sound like Jo” I giggle looking at his bruised up face.
“I do remember one last thing” he says looking down at and staring into my eyes.
“What?” I ask as I look up at his dazzling blue eyes.
“This” he says as he leans down and kisses me sweetly before quickly disappearing into the jewellery store. 

I stand there stunned,did Cato just kiss me? Did Cato kiss me yesterday? I wonder as I stand there shocked before shaking my head twice and walking over to the sports area.

When I get there Katniss and Jo are talking to two different employees.
I overheard Jo say “No she’s really good,moving targets,long distance” so she probably has either me or Kat.
I go over to the boxing area and select a couple of crimson red boxing gloves for our boxing swing back at the dorms.
I then go over to the weaponry area ,then into the sword area where lots of people are looking at equipment as the actual swords are caustome made.
I go look at one of the kits,it has a thick yellow oil used to clean,a cloth to make it shine as well as some extra tissue to cover the handle.
I decide to go with that and go to pay and wrap the gifts at the counter.

I head out the store happily and head to the printing house to print some pictures.
I go over there and ask the guy to print pictures of Glimmer,Pr.Snow,Pr.Coin,Thresh and lots of people.
He says the pictures will be ready in about 15 minutes so I go back to starbucks to complete the final part of Cato’s present.

I order another drink and write in bold big letters the words I’d been forever afraid of telling him:I love you.
When I finish drinking my caramel frappuccino I go over to the printing house where they hand me a red envelope with the pictures in it.

After wandering around the mall for about another hour I finally spot my friends.
They’re all sitting near a fountain casually talking and I approach them angry.
Marvel sighs “Finally,we’ve been waiting for an hour,where were you Clove?”
“Where was I? I’ve been looking for you guys for hours!”I say pissed as I cross my arms.
“Well at least now we can go” says Annie as she gets up and guides us to the car.
After about half an hour of complaining and listening to Kat’s terrible music we finally arrived at our student residence.
We all stumble out of the car and go up to our dorms.

I try to get a ride with Cato to ask him about the kiss but he avoids me instead going with Peeta and Katniss,leaving me stranded with none other than Marvel.
The elevator shoots up and before I know it I’m stuffing the presents under my bed.
Annie tells us “We’ll do the secret santa next sunday,so we all have time to get some more stuff if we want”.
Sure,we all agree.

“So it's only 11 what do you guys want to do?” asks Peeta
“Movie?” I propose.
“Only if its horror” smirks Jo as Cato smiles and asks “Which one?”
“Umm we have It,Jaws i can’t think of any others right now” says Finnick looking through our DVD's.
“It,It,It” Cato,Jo and I cheer.
“No,we always watch horror films they're scary,I don’t want to,” mutters Annie as she holds onto Finnick tightly.
“Let’s vote” happily says Jo.
“Everyone in favour of watching IT”.
Kat,Finick,Marvel,Jo,Cato and I raise our hands.
“I guess we’re watching it,Annie” says Peeta as he goes to sit on the sofa.
“Yeah!” I cheer as Finnick turns the TV on and goes to put in the DVD.
This is gonna be one epic afternoon,though I would like to ask Cato about the kiss.

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