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After finishing eating quickly, I take a peep at the atmosphere.

'Well, they just look like they are sitting here for a show.'
I look at Yui and see she is paled and she doesn't eat.
'I mean I can see the bite marks on her neck. How many times she has been bitten?'

It seems that she senses someone looking at her, then she looks at me then she gives me a weak smile.

Laito saw Yui not eating, "Bitch-chan, why aren't you eating?"

Yui just stays quiet.
Laito then teleports near Yui and flirts openly, "Fu~Fu~ I will feed you, Bitch-chan~~Will you eat?~~."

Ayato joins the scene and becomes the annoying flirting scene again.

'Ah, I feel like I will know what will happen next.'

The voice of Reiji's scolding voice comes.

'Yes, I thought so, Reiji sometimes really like a mother but not exactly in another way.'

I look at them, wondering whether someone would get up first. I hate attention so, I won't be the first to leave. Plus, the looks these brothers give, it is very bothersome.

Then I saw Shu beside me standing up and leaving.
'Oh, Shu.'

I was about to move, the next moment come Reiji's scolding voice of Shu.

'ah...I dare not stand up, oh well
I don't care anymore.' I stand up and left the room. I can feel the gazes on me.

In my room, I started talking with my butterfly. Although, today is only one. I guess it is because of the vampires.
I vividly understood the words of the butterfly.

Looking at the time, it is almost time to go to school.
I was about to get up but I heard the butterfly's saying something. It looks anxious. I look at it to ask but I saw that it suddenly disappears like escaping.

'Did it say a...woman?'

'What did it mean by a woman?
But I don't see any woman.'

Before I was about to think further, Reiji comes to tell me to go down to go to school.

I was cut off from my thought and I started to follow Reiji.

But he doesn't know, a certain person which possesses dark green eyes was looking at the white-haired boy from somewhere.

In the limo, I sit awkwardly beside Reiji.

Mini Flashback~~

Reiji and I were walking till I saw the familiar stairs.

I stop, Reiji looks at me.
He didn't say anything but just grabs me directly and teleport to the limo.

Flashback over~~

'No way, I know I'm scared of high but it can't go on like this.
It won't be scary anymore if you become familiar with it, right?'

In the limo, the same as always, awkward, silence and the flirting trios.

As I look at them, I'm a little uncomfortable.

'Damn, why is Ayato keep glancing at me? Just look at your Yui. Don't bother me.'

Laito is flirting with Yui and he smirks at me from time to time.

Shu sleeping.

Subaru..still looks pissed off.

Teddy boy being creepy.

And Reiji reading.

There is nothing wrong, but why is Ayato glancing at me.

I am pretty much conscious of people's stares, glances, and glares.
I feel uncomfortable.

After the limo arrived at the school,
the usual annoying screams come.

After Reiji gives the schedule, Ayato looks at me.

I raise my eyebrows, I want to know what happened to this vampire.

Ayato smirks at me and said, "Come with me."

Before I could even say anything, he grabs my wrist and teleports away.

After arriving at the destination, I look at the room, Kitchen...

I look at Ayato, not understanding why he would bring me to the kitchen.

Ayato's green eyes were shining more than usual.

I look at him, "What do you want by bringing me to the kitchen?"

Ayato with the attitude of granting an honor, "Pancake said Takoyakis you make are very delicious. You should be proud of yourself that Ore-sama is very interested."

'Yui? But how does she know?'
I look at Ayato whose eyes are sparkling, "So basically, you want me to cook."

Ayato smirks, "Yes, hurry up, don't make Ore-sama wait too long."

I sigh, 'annoying brat.'

After making Takoyaki, I present the dish to Ayato.

Looking at the time, I know that l must have missed the class.

"Ayato, hurry up and eat it."

Ayato snorted and started eating.

Ayato smiles after taking a bite, he looks at me and said, "Ore-sama have decided. Next time, Ore-sama want you to make Takoyaki every time Ore-sama want."

I look at him, "Uh-huh."

Ayato looked a little pissed off by my attitude.

'Well, It is fun to tease him.' I thought.

Looking at Ayato eating, I become a little hungry too. I try to take Takoyaki from Ayato's plate. Although it may be rude, I was the one who made it, right?
I deserve to eat a little.

But, Will Ayato let him?
Of course, no.

I narrow my eyes at the cold slender hand that stops me from taking the Takoyaki.
I look at Ayato.

Ayato stares at me with his eyes wide opened. I don't understand the meaning in his eyes, and I don't want to. 

Although I don't know why, I suddenly want to laugh a little. The way his eyes widened when I was about to take the food look so funny . Like a cat who protect his food under his claws.


A delicacy (Diabolik lovers × male oc)Where stories live. Discover now