The six vampires

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Yuu was still thinking about what to do.

He was near at the door to the outside.

But aren't they vampires?
Their sense is strong, right?

It shouldn't be that they didn't notice me.

Sigh..maybe I should go after Yui.

I bet father wouldn't leave her to die here. I heard it was his friend's sons.

But I was still surprised that father has a vampire friend.
And still he is a Father...

I stopped thinking about messy things and go up the stairs and look for where Yui might be, then I heard a loud noise like a wall was hit with a heavy thing.

Yuu almost flinch.

Yuu looks at the place where the sound it come from, it was from the left hall.

After walking the way to the hall, there was a door.

Maybe Yui is in it.
I take a peep at the door crack and saw many people in the room.

Sigh..really , there are six vampires.

Oh, I see Yui between two vampires, fuck, she is being lick by a pervert looking guy. He look like the red headed guy I saw down the stairs. Maybe he is his brother.

Even so, it a relief that she is not dead.

They are having heated discussion, should I go in?

They are loud, I don't want to go in.

And I mean no offense but they are all handsome. Is it because they are vampires?

I was thinking and then I feel a cold hand on my shoulders.

I flinch and knocking my face to the door and went in with a loud noise and trip to the floor.

Awkward silence....

Owww, my nose.
I touch my nose, it really hurt.
I'm glad that I didn't bleed.

I look behind to see who it was and saw it a boy with blond hair and blue eyes. Oh he was the sleeping guy. When did he get behind me? Oh, stupid me, vampires...

He just stand there and looking at me like watching a show.

I look at him blankly not wanting to look back at the vampires looking at me with pierce gazes, and wandering what to do in this kind of situation.

"Ah, Yuu!"

I heard Yui's voice.

I just look back and saw they are all staring at me.

I feel uncomfortable. I means any one would feel uncomfortable in this kind of situation.

Reiji looks at me with a sharp gazes, "Who are you? And are you with miss Komori?"

I stand up and answer, "Yuu Komori and Yes."

"Fu~Fu~ another human comes in." the pervy guy said.

Not paying attention to him.
I just said, "I just got lost."

Reiji narrowed his eyes at me.
I really feel uncomfortable. The gazes are really fierce.

The purple boy with a teddy said, "Look teddy it another pretty doll."

Then I feel I was being picked up.
He is just holding me by the wrist. I turn around to see who and saw it was the blonde guy.

Reiji said, "I see, mrs. Komori and mr.Komori. Then let us back to the discussion."

A delicacy (Diabolik lovers × male oc)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz