Chapter 十ニ

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(Ik, I know, the fanart is fucking amazing, no I didn't do it, credit to the bloody amazing artist. Also for those of you who haven't noticed, I'm throwing the actual anime plot in the trash. So don't be surprised if certain things aren't in order. I also know people skip these stupid, boring-ass Author notes so I'll repeat this at the end of the chapter)

Naruto's POV

It's been a couple of months since my first assassination mission when I brought back the forbidden scroll. Since then my days have been full of killing criminals, I was so deprived of that feeling of satisfaction I get from a kill when I was with Pervy Sage. There were, of course, the occasional missions with team seven, Sakura, Kakashi sensei and I. Team seven and I were now standing in her office. "I'm glad to tell, you that, there is a new member of team seven." Informed Tsunade. Sakura stared in disbelief, Kakashi, still reading porn, unbothered, must have already been told.
"Sai, come in." At her command, a pale boy, wearing a crop top and black pants, walked in. He also had black hair and emotionless eyes. "Hello." He greeted in a flat tone, with a fake smile. The first thing that came to my mind was 'root' then 'Danzo'. "This is Sai, the new member of team seven."

The following weeks were spent training together, going on missions together, to get used to working with our new teammate.

I returned home as the sun set, Katsumi sensed me entering the house (her sensing skills are amazing, she is an Uzumaki after all.) she ran up to me and hugged me, "welcome back
on-Chan!" I smiled at her. I had dispelled my blood clone, gaining all of its memories. "Come on, I'll make dinner."
After dinner, Katsu went to bed. I started thinking about her life, I made sure to go out with her often but she must be getting bored... 'It's about time she is enrolled in the academy. What do you think Kurama?' I asked. 'I agree kit.' I hummed, with her skill level she should be able to graduate earlier, so I'll make sure she tries to get in a class with kids her age that is due to graduate in 2 years... Her 10th birthday is soon, I wonder what I should do then.

I tried putting my thoughts to rest as I headed to my master bedroom, I entered, stripped to my boxers and tried to sleep. I woke up 2 hours later, I fell off the bed with a thump. I was panting, clenching my chest, flashes of my dream passed through my vision.

Katsu dying

Kurama is being taken away.

Perfidious's identity being discovered

Someone I seem to have a deep connection to leaving me.

I leaned against the bed, trying to calm down, I was on the verge of a panic attack. 'What the fuck.' My hair stuck to my forehead with sweat, I panted, my eyes squeezed shut. A very pathetic situation for me to be in. After some time I calmed down and went back to bed.
A couple of weeks have passed since then, I enrolled Katsu in the academy a week ago, and I managed to get her in with kids her age. It was pretty easy, while I was gone, my clone taught her some basic ninja tactics, to feed her growing curiosity. Katsu hasn't arrived home yet, I spent practically all morning preparing for her birthday, when I asked her what she wanted her answer was simple. She wanted to spend the day with me, not a clone. She also wanted the Japanese cheesecake I prepared for her the first day we arrived at the house. But of course, I also got her a surprise, a summon.
Katsu arrived home, and we had a slice of the cake, she told me about school and her friends.
"Hey, guess what?" She contemplated for a second. "You got me a gift didn't you?" She started getting excited, I nodded, and I directed us out of the kitchen and into the backyard. "So, I know it might get lonely in this big house. So I got you a summon, the conditions are complicated, but with help of Kurama, I managed to get you one without the contract." (I had a talk with Katsu about Kurama not so long long ago.) "Really?!" By now she was jumping around, happily. "Alright calm down. For your first summon you must draw blood, and you summon will appear. Your summon will remain in your mindscape till summoned. After a while, you should be able to do this without thinking..." I went on with the details, eventually, it was time for the summon. Katsu did as instructed and sooner or later, a snowy white fox with 6 tails was proofed into existence. I watched with a small smile as Katsu familiarised herself with him. "I'll name him snowball!" My smile faltered. 'The fuck type of name is that?' I sighed, "Sure kid."
The rest of the day was spent practising summoning and un summoning snowball, she got the hang of it quickly.
Third POV

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