Chapter ご 

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(Alright, there will be some uh, not gore, but murder, in this chapter, and...

Some sasunaru, enjoy fuckers.)

Naruto's POV

"Don' care, fuck your opinion, and your mum."

I guess they expected something better, but now they are left shouting in outrage, I chuckled, and continued walking towards the exit.

Third POV
It had been three weeks after the council meeting incident. The first few meetings with team seven after that had been a bit tense, but eventually went back to normal, even Naruto's 'normal' cheery, prankster personality came back, without further breaking his meticulously crafted mask.

About 2 days after the meetings, the body in the forest, near the trailing team 7 had travelled on their mission with Zabuza, was found. It was discovered by a couple of ninjas, who alerted the Hokage. No big alarm was raised, as it was the ninja world and shit like that occurred. Well, no alarm was raised, until more bodies that had died similarly were starting to be discovered all over the land of fire. There were things the victims had in common:

A) they were all killed in similar ways; heads and other limbs had been obliterated.
B) one word was written with each of the victim's blood.
C) All of them were rouge ninjas, criminals, corrupt high-ranking officials etc. All ranking from     
        C to S ranked.
D) all of the victims were within a day or two of each other, following a pattern.

In order of the murders, all the words put together made a sentence:
'Lies with which I have fooled you all. The image Portrayed by me is all a facade.'
That's right, 17  murders.  News about the situation had spread across the nations, like wildfire. The Hokage is under stress from the situation, dealing with paperwork and having to send out people on missions to investigate, all coming back without information. Travel in the land of fire had decreased. And the chunin exams were 2 months ahead. It still hadn't been cancelled, giving time for the situation to be solved.

It had been 1 day and a half since the thought to be the last murder, was it the last?

       It was midnight, a full moon. The moonlight shined through the thick forest trees' foliage. It was peaceful, well unless you looked at the horrific scene where a person stood.
Naruto stood over a bloody body, both its arms having been obliterated, the last expression on the person's face was one of horror. Naruto looked up to the moon, and said in a whisper, "I can't wait for sweet release." He closed his blood-red eyes, breathed in, and then let out a sigh. He seemed satisfied, and happy in a sadistic way.

He walked away from the scene, leaving no evidence behind, just two words...
'I'm perfidious'

(Yes, I know perfidious is a noun; tending to betray, deceitful and untrustworthy. But in this story, it shall be Naruto's nickname or the serial killer's name.)

Instead of heading directly to Konoha, Naruto walked a bit on the outskirts of the village. When he got to a certain spot in the forest, he brought his left hand up to his mouth and bit down hard enough to draw blood. The wound healed quickly, thanks to the Kyuubi. As soon as a few drops of blood hit the forest's ground, a large gate materialized in front of Naruto, with the initials, U and N, on either side of the gate. Naruto, hands in pockets, strolled in.
Sasuke was pinned against the bedroom wall, both his wrists in Naruto's clutches. Naruto stared into Sasuke's black eyes, while Sasuke stared into Naruto's crimson, lust-filled ones. "Do you even know what you do to me?" The blond asked. Sasuke released one of his wrists and brought it up to caress Naruto's jaw. Sasuke looked into his eyes and responded in a low whisper, "I drive you crazy..."
Their lips clashed, in a battle for dominance, Naruto, of course, won. When they surfaced for air Sasuke said, "Naruto."
"Kit wake up you'll be late!" Yelled the Kyuubi
Naruto woke up with a start, sweating. 'What the hell?' He thought angrily, his dream irritated him, he wasn't supposed to feel like this. He sighed, got out of bed and got ready to meet up with team 7.

After finishing training with team seven, Kakashi sensei said goodbye and shushined (sp?) away. Sakura tried asking Sasuke out to some BBQ, which he denied, while this happened, Naruto walked away, humming, towards his 'home' the Hokage gifted him when he was five. Sakura finally gave up and walked away. Sasuke looked for Naruto and spotted him walking away, so he went after him, walking not so hurriedly, of course, the guy had a reputation he needed to live up to.

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